Josiah Sutton was convicted of rape. He was five inches shorter and 65 pounds lighter than the suspect described by the victim, but at trial a lab analyst testified that his DNA was found at the crime scene. His case looked like many others - arrest, swab, match, conviction. But there was just one problem - Sutton was innocent.We think of DNA forensics as an infallible science that catches the bad guys and exonerates the innocent. But when the science goes rogue, it can lead to a gross miscarriage of justice. Erin Murphy exposes the dark side of forensic DNA testing: crime labs that receive little oversight and produce inconsistent results; prosecutors who push to test smaller and poorer-quality samples, inviting error and bias; law-enforcement officers who compile massive, unregulated, and racially skewed DNA databases; and industry lobbyists who push policies of "stop and spit.
Nation Books,
Print book
Earth in Human Hands
By Grinspoon, David
For the first time in Earth's history, one species--humans--is knowingly altering our planet's evolution, exerting increasing influence and attempting stewardship. How we handle this juncture may very well determine the fate not just of our species, but of life, and the planet. Without minimizing the challenges of the next century, Grinspoon shows how the 10,000-year view is both essential and hopeful. Having spent his career studying the ways in which planets undergo catastrophic changes, he suggests that the present moment is not only one of peril, but also great potential. We need a new vision of the future, one in which we have embraced our role as planet-shapers, and learned to use our technological skills to enhance the survival prospects not just of humanity but of all life on Earth.
Grand Central Pub
Print book
Talking to Strangers
By Gladwell, Malcolm
Malcolm Gladwell, host of the podcast Revisionist History and author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Outliers, offers a powerful examination of our interactions with strangers--and why they often go wrong.How did Fidel Castro fool the CIA for a generation? Why did Neville Chamberlain think he could trust Adolf Hitler? Why are campus sexual assaults on the rise? Do television sitcoms teach us something about the way we relate to each other that isn't true?Talking to Strangers is a classically Gladwellian intellectual adventure, a challenging and controversial excursion through history, psychology, and scandals taken straight from the news. He revisits the deceptions of Bernie Madoff, the trial of Amanda Knox, the suicide of Sylvia Plath, the Jerry Sandusky pedophilia scandal at Penn State University, and the death of Sandra Bland---throwing our understanding of these and other stories into doubt. Something is very wrong, Gladwell argues, with the tools and strategies we use to make sense of people we don't know. And because we don't know how to talk to strangers, we are inviting conflict and misunderstanding in ways that have a profound effect on our lives and our world. In his first book since his #1 bestseller, David and Goliath, Malcolm Gladwell has written a gripping guidebook for troubled times.
Little, Brown & Company
Crimes That Changed Our World
By Robinson, Paul H
Can crime make our world safer? Crimes are the worst of humanity's wrongs but, oddly, they sometimes "trigger" improvement in our lives. Crimes That Changed Our World explores some of the most important trigger cases of the past century, revealing much about how change comes to our modern world. The exact nature of the crime-outrage-reform dynamic can take many forms, and Paul and Sarah Robinson explore those differences in the cases they present. Each case is in some ways unique but there are repeating patterns that can offer important insights about what produces change and how in the future we might best manage it. Sometimes reform comes as a society wrestles with a new and intolerable problem. Sometimes it comes because an old problem from which we have long suffered suddenly has an apparent solution provided by technology or some other social or economic advance.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
The Speckled Beauty
By Bragg, Rick
Speck is not a good boy. He is, a terrible boy, a defiant, self-destructive, often malodorous boy, a grave robber and screen door moocher who spends his days playing chicken with the Fed Ex man, picking fights with thousand-pound livestock, and rolling in donkey manure, and his nights howling at the moon. He has been that way since the moment he appeared on the ridgeline behind Rick Bragg's house, a starved and half-dead creature, 76 pounds of wet hair and poor decisions.Speck arrived in Rick's life at a moment of looming uncertainty. A cancer diagnosis, chemo, kidney failure, and recurring pneumonia had left him lethargic and melancholy. Speck helped, and he is helping, still, when he is not peeing on the Rose of Sharon. Written with Bragg's inimitable blend of tenderness and sorrow, humor and grit, The Speckled Beauty captures the extraordinary, sustaining devotion between two damaged creatures who need each other to heal.
Farm and Workshop Welding, Third Revised Edition
By Pearce, Andrew
to start repairing and creating metal equipment and structures of welding processes and the differences between good and bad welds describing specific types of welds, equipment, common faults, troubleshooting, and moreAll major types of welds are covered, including arc, MIG, gas, TIG, and plasma cuttingAvoid common mistakes and correct them, with welding problems laid out section by section along with solutionsTips and suggestions help beginners improve and intermediate operators broaden their techniqueGo beyond metal with advice that extends into the wider workshop such as on drills, cutting threads, and basic blacksmithingWelding is a valuable skill and almost anyone can learn to weld, cut, or shape metal. That's the starting point for this completely updated, supremely practical, and informative resource which, through tips, suggestions, and fault finding, helps the first timer improve and the intermediate welder expand their technique.
Publisher: n/a
2022 Lippincott Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses
By Tucker, Rebecca
LWW; Tenth, North American edition
Mighty Mila
By Petruzziello, Katie
Celebrate the power of believing in yourself with this heartwarming and hilarious tale of a spunky deaf girl who's determined to prove she can be a big kid! Mila may be a kid, but she can act pretty grown up ... at least that's what she thinks. The trouble is, Mila's parents still treat her like she's little, so she's decided to prove once and for all that she can do things "all on her own!" But when it turns out that being a big kid isn't as easy as she thought, will Mila admit defeat, or will she find a way to prove just how big and mighty she really is?Readers of all ages will love Mila's spitfire personality and imaginative approach to overcoming obstacles, and will cheer her on as she uses her creativity, her willpower, and even her new cochlear implant hearing devices to face down challenges.
Mighty Books, LLC
The Hardware Hacking Handbook
By Woudenberg, Jasper Van
Publisher: n/a
Intermittent Fasting Transformation
By Thurlow, Cynthia
Discover the customized nutrition plan that will help you be lean, fit, more youthful, sexier, and full of energy - at every stage of life.Designed specifically for women, this individualized six-week intermittent fasting program is the sustainable solution to help you feel and look your absolute best. Based on the scientifically proven 16:8 fasting model, what makes this program unique is that it is geared toward your hormonal needs at every stage in life-whether you are cycling or in perimenopause, menopause, or beyond. Intermittent Fasting Transformation will help you: * lose weight steadily and burn fat without hunger, cravings, or plateaus-and keep it off * balance your hormones for better metabolic health and wellness, while easing symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause * experience a huge boost in physical and mental energy all day long * learn what foods best support weight loss, detoxification, and overall health * lift brain fog and help you sleep better * put aging in reverse .
Inside the Cell
By Murphy, Erin E
Josiah Sutton was convicted of rape. He was five inches shorter and 65 pounds lighter than the suspect described by the victim, but at trial a lab analyst testified that his DNA was found at the crime scene. His case looked like many others - arrest, swab, match, conviction. But there was just one problem - Sutton was innocent.We think of DNA forensics as an infallible science that catches the bad guys and exonerates the innocent. But when the science goes rogue, it can lead to a gross miscarriage of justice. Erin Murphy exposes the dark side of forensic DNA testing: crime labs that receive little oversight and produce inconsistent results; prosecutors who push to test smaller and poorer-quality samples, inviting error and bias; law-enforcement officers who compile massive, unregulated, and racially skewed DNA databases; and industry lobbyists who push policies of "stop and spit.
Earth in Human Hands
By Grinspoon, David
For the first time in Earth's history, one species--humans--is knowingly altering our planet's evolution, exerting increasing influence and attempting stewardship. How we handle this juncture may very well determine the fate not just of our species, but of life, and the planet. Without minimizing the challenges of the next century, Grinspoon shows how the 10,000-year view is both essential and hopeful. Having spent his career studying the ways in which planets undergo catastrophic changes, he suggests that the present moment is not only one of peril, but also great potential. We need a new vision of the future, one in which we have embraced our role as planet-shapers, and learned to use our technological skills to enhance the survival prospects not just of humanity but of all life on Earth.
Talking to Strangers
By Gladwell, Malcolm
Malcolm Gladwell, host of the podcast Revisionist History and author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Outliers, offers a powerful examination of our interactions with strangers--and why they often go wrong.How did Fidel Castro fool the CIA for a generation? Why did Neville Chamberlain think he could trust Adolf Hitler? Why are campus sexual assaults on the rise? Do television sitcoms teach us something about the way we relate to each other that isn't true?Talking to Strangers is a classically Gladwellian intellectual adventure, a challenging and controversial excursion through history, psychology, and scandals taken straight from the news. He revisits the deceptions of Bernie Madoff, the trial of Amanda Knox, the suicide of Sylvia Plath, the Jerry Sandusky pedophilia scandal at Penn State University, and the death of Sandra Bland---throwing our understanding of these and other stories into doubt. Something is very wrong, Gladwell argues, with the tools and strategies we use to make sense of people we don't know. And because we don't know how to talk to strangers, we are inviting conflict and misunderstanding in ways that have a profound effect on our lives and our world. In his first book since his #1 bestseller, David and Goliath, Malcolm Gladwell has written a gripping guidebook for troubled times.
Crimes That Changed Our World
By Robinson, Paul H
Can crime make our world safer? Crimes are the worst of humanity's wrongs but, oddly, they sometimes "trigger" improvement in our lives. Crimes That Changed Our World explores some of the most important trigger cases of the past century, revealing much about how change comes to our modern world. The exact nature of the crime-outrage-reform dynamic can take many forms, and Paul and Sarah Robinson explore those differences in the cases they present. Each case is in some ways unique but there are repeating patterns that can offer important insights about what produces change and how in the future we might best manage it. Sometimes reform comes as a society wrestles with a new and intolerable problem. Sometimes it comes because an old problem from which we have long suffered suddenly has an apparent solution provided by technology or some other social or economic advance.
The Speckled Beauty
By Bragg, Rick
Speck is not a good boy. He is, a terrible boy, a defiant, self-destructive, often malodorous boy, a grave robber and screen door moocher who spends his days playing chicken with the Fed Ex man, picking fights with thousand-pound livestock, and rolling in donkey manure, and his nights howling at the moon. He has been that way since the moment he appeared on the ridgeline behind Rick Bragg's house, a starved and half-dead creature, 76 pounds of wet hair and poor decisions.Speck arrived in Rick's life at a moment of looming uncertainty. A cancer diagnosis, chemo, kidney failure, and recurring pneumonia had left him lethargic and melancholy. Speck helped, and he is helping, still, when he is not peeing on the Rose of Sharon. Written with Bragg's inimitable blend of tenderness and sorrow, humor and grit, The Speckled Beauty captures the extraordinary, sustaining devotion between two damaged creatures who need each other to heal.
Farm and Workshop Welding, Third Revised Edition
By Pearce, Andrew
to start repairing and creating metal equipment and structures of welding processes and the differences between good and bad welds describing specific types of welds, equipment, common faults, troubleshooting, and moreAll major types of welds are covered, including arc, MIG, gas, TIG, and plasma cuttingAvoid common mistakes and correct them, with welding problems laid out section by section along with solutionsTips and suggestions help beginners improve and intermediate operators broaden their techniqueGo beyond metal with advice that extends into the wider workshop such as on drills, cutting threads, and basic blacksmithingWelding is a valuable skill and almost anyone can learn to weld, cut, or shape metal. That's the starting point for this completely updated, supremely practical, and informative resource which, through tips, suggestions, and fault finding, helps the first timer improve and the intermediate welder expand their technique.
2022 Lippincott Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses
By Tucker, Rebecca
Mighty Mila
By Petruzziello, Katie
Celebrate the power of believing in yourself with this heartwarming and hilarious tale of a spunky deaf girl who's determined to prove she can be a big kid! Mila may be a kid, but she can act pretty grown up ... at least that's what she thinks. The trouble is, Mila's parents still treat her like she's little, so she's decided to prove once and for all that she can do things "all on her own!" But when it turns out that being a big kid isn't as easy as she thought, will Mila admit defeat, or will she find a way to prove just how big and mighty she really is?Readers of all ages will love Mila's spitfire personality and imaginative approach to overcoming obstacles, and will cheer her on as she uses her creativity, her willpower, and even her new cochlear implant hearing devices to face down challenges.
The Hardware Hacking Handbook
By Woudenberg, Jasper Van
Intermittent Fasting Transformation
By Thurlow, Cynthia
Discover the customized nutrition plan that will help you be lean, fit, more youthful, sexier, and full of energy - at every stage of life.Designed specifically for women, this individualized six-week intermittent fasting program is the sustainable solution to help you feel and look your absolute best. Based on the scientifically proven 16:8 fasting model, what makes this program unique is that it is geared toward your hormonal needs at every stage in life-whether you are cycling or in perimenopause, menopause, or beyond. Intermittent Fasting Transformation will help you: * lose weight steadily and burn fat without hunger, cravings, or plateaus-and keep it off * balance your hormones for better metabolic health and wellness, while easing symptoms associated with perimenopause and menopause * experience a huge boost in physical and mental energy all day long * learn what foods best support weight loss, detoxification, and overall health * lift brain fog and help you sleep better * put aging in reverse .