Happy hour classics--with a twist!The Craft Beer Bites Cookbook takes your favorite brewpub grub and kicks it up a notch. From Buffalo Chicken Beer Cheese Dip to Chocolate Stout Cupcakes with Chocolate Stout Cream Cheese Frosting, each recipe captures the complex flavors of a perfectly balanced brew, allowing you to savor the nutty notes in an American brown ale or the zesty bite of an IPA. Complete with dozens of color photographs, this book shows you how to incorporate your true love into every bite-sized snack with 100 delicious craft beer recipes, such asHawaiian IPA Pulled-Pork SlidersBelgian AleMarinated Grilled Steak Crostini with IPA ChimichurriBeer-Battered Shrimp with Chipotle Lime Dipping SauceGrilled Barbeque Chicken and Peach Mini PizzasPeanut Butter Stout MousseTopped BrowniesSo get ready to toast the countrys best brews as you transform everyday appetizers into top-shelf plates!,.
Adams Media Corporation
The Cook You Want to Be
By Baraghani, Andy
One of Bon Apptit'sfavorite talents shows you how to define and develop your individual cooking style - and become the cook you want to be - in 120 recipes.ONE OF THE MOST ANTICIPATED COOKBOOKS OF 2022 - Time, DelishAndy Baraghani learned to cook professionally in such vaunted restaurants as Chez Panisse and Estela, but his love for flavor began with the comforting home dishes of his Iranian parents' immigrant household.Blending the home cooking of his upbringing and his professional training, Baraghani evolved into a culinary influencer by asking himself, "What kind of cook do I want to be" In answering that question for himself - the cook who can balance flavors and the cook who makes a perfect salad, for example - he became known for trying new techniques, working with easy-to-find but underused ingredients, and creating unexpected combinations.
‎Lorena Jones Books
By Thurston, Robert W
This engaging guide traces the history, cultivation, and culture of coffee, as well as the major factors influencing the industry today. Robert Thurston provides a readable, concise overview of coffee from the time the seeds of the coffee fruit are planted and grow into trees to the latest ideas in roasting and making beverages. He considers cultivation and its challenges, especially climate change; new research on hybridization; the history of coffee and cultural change surrounding it around the world; devices, new and old, for making coffee drinks; the issue of organic versus conventional agriculture; and the health benefits of the brew. The first book that coffee lovers naturally will turn to, it will also appeal to anyone interested in globalization, climate change, and social justice.
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Made Whole
By Curp, Cristina
Cristina Curp, the creator of the popular food blog and wellness site The Castaway Kitchen, delivers everything you need to do away with diets and discover the right nutritional path for you in her new book, Made Whole.Made Whole is a comprehensive cookbook and resource guide that combines the Paleo approach with the low-carb/ketogenic diet, using only whole, natural, unprocessed ingredients. Cristina includes all the tools you need to be successful on a ketogenic diet, along with advice and how-tos for using the keto template to eat intuitively and develop a personalized nutrition plan based on your unique needs. Each recipe is free of grain, gluten, sugar, and dairy, along with nuts, starches, nightshades, and alcohol - making this a perfect cookbook for those following keto, Paleo, low-carb, AIP, or allergen-free diets. Cristina's eclectic and mouthwatering recipes draw inspiration from international cuisines to keep cooking fun and exciting. You will feel like a gourmet chef with easy-to-make meals prepared from accessible ingredients that you can find at your local grocer using just the one master list that she provides in the book! Made Whole is a user-friendly guide to cooking beautiful food, eating well, and enjoying every last bite, while reaching your health and fitness goals. Sample recipes include: * Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies * Turkey Falafel with Tzatziki Sauce * Spaghetti and Meatballs with Roasted Beet Marinara * Toasted Coconut Salmon * Savory Flax Waffles * and many more! Made Whole will teach you that healthy food doesn't have to fit into a certain label, box, or idea of what it should be. Once you begin to forget about what you can't eat and embrace the wonderful and delicious things you can eat, you will find freedom and pleasure in fueling your body with the most exceptional sustenance that nature has to offer.
Victory Belt Publishing
Food52 Baking
By Food52, Editors Of
A stunning collection of hassle-free recipes for baking cakes, cookies, tarts, puddings, muffins, bread, and more, from the editors behind the leading food website Food52.Whether it's the chocolate cake at every childhood birthday, blondies waiting for you after school, or hot dinner rolls smeared with butter at Thanksgiving dinner, homemade baked goods hold a place in many of our best memories. And that's why baking shouldn't be reserved for special occasions. With this book, curated by the editors of Food52, you can have homemade treats far superior to the store-bought variety, even when it feels like you're too busy to turn on the oven. From Brown Butter Cupcake Brownies to "Cuppa Cuppa Sticka" Peach and Blueberry Cobbler, these sixty reliable, easy-to-execute recipes won't have you hunting down special equipment and hard-to-find ingredients or leave you with a kitchen covered in flour and a skink piled high with bowls.
Ten Speed Press
The Happy in a Hurry Cookbook
By Doocy, Steve
In this follow up to their New York Times bestseller The Happy Cookbook, Fox & Friends cohost Steve Doocy and his wife, Kathy, share more hilarious stories and offer crowd-pleasing recipes that are quick, easy, and delicious.Steve Doocy and his wife, Kathy, believe the kitchen and the family dinner table should be happy places where memories are made and shared. But most of us don't have the time to spend hours in the kitchen. Steve and Kathy are no exception, and with The Happy in a Hurry Cookbook, they bring together more than a hundred recipes for favorite comfort foods that come together in a flash - from last-minute entrees to set-it-and-forget-it slow-cooker meals. The Happy in a Hurry Cookbook includes recipes covering a variety of occasions and favorite foods, from holidays, casseroles, and one-pot meals to chicken, pasta, and desserts, as well a whole chapter devoted to the ultimate comfort ingredient: potatoes.
William Morrow Cookbooks
Cooking for One
By Kitchen, America's Test
Discover the joy of cooking for yourself with more than 160 perfectly portioned, easy-to-execute recipes, flexible ingredient lists to accommodate your pantry, and ideas for improvising to your taste.Taking care to prepare a meal for yourself is a different experience than cooking for others. It can be a fun, casual, and (of course) delicious affair, but there are challenges, from avoiding a fridge full of half-used ingredients to ending up with leftovers that become boring after the third reheat. Cooking for One helps you make cooking for yourself special without becoming a chore with unfussy yet utterly appealing meals that rely on ingredients you already have on hand, like Garam Masala Pork Chop with Couscous and Weeknight Chicken Cacciatore. Don't have exactly the right ingredients? Never fear--with a "Kitchen Improv" box on every page, we offer ideas for altering the dish so it works for you.
America's Test Kitchen
Cook This Book
By Baz, Molly
If you seek out, celebrate, and obsess over good food but lack the skills and confidence necessary to make it at home, you've just won a ticket to a life filled with supreme deliciousness. Cook This Book is a new kind of foundational cookbook from Molly Baz, who's here to teach you absolutely everything she knows and equip you with the tools to become a better, more efficient cook. Molly breaks the essentials of cooking down to clear and uncomplicated recipes that deliver big flavor with little effort and a side of education, including dishes like Pastrami Roast Chicken with Schmaltzy Onions and Dill, Chorizo and Chickpea Carbonara, and of course, her signature Cae Sal. But this is not your average cookbook. More than a collection of recipes, Cook This Book teaches you the invaluable superpower of improvisation though visually compelling lessons on such topics as the importance of salt and how to balance flavor, giving you all the tools necessary to make food taste great every time.
Publisher: n/a
The Mexican Keto Cookbook
By Borrelli, Torie
Containing more than 100 low-carb, high-fat, anti-inflammatory recipes, The Mexican Keto Cookbook provides insight into the history of Mexican cuisine while also adding a flavorful, international flair to the popular keto diet.In contrast to the typical Mexican American diet--the result of busy schedules, tight budgets, and high-sugar, white flour foods of convenience-- The Mexican Keto Cookbook is packed with authentic, full-flavored, health-conscious recipes designed to burn body fat. It includes the science behind keto, guides you on how to execute the diet effectively, and provides more than 100 amazing recipes. Integrative holistic nutritionist Torie Borrelli tapped into her Mexican heritage to create keto-friendly staples of Mexican cuisine such as Salsa Bandera, Nopales Salad, and Sopa de Albondigas; quick and easy weeknight dinners such as Chicken Tortilla Soup, Goat Cheese Enchiladas, and Spicy Cilantro Chicken Wings; and hearty crowd-pleasers such as Fish Tacos and Turmeric Caper Cauliflower. With this very first low-carb, anti-inflammatory, high-fat Mexican ketogenic cookbook on hand, you can enjoy all the fun and flavor of your favorite Mexican foods while reaping the many health, weight loss, and other benefits keto has to offer.
The Craft Beer Bites Cookbook
By Dodd, Jacquelyn
Happy hour classics--with a twist!The Craft Beer Bites Cookbook takes your favorite brewpub grub and kicks it up a notch. From Buffalo Chicken Beer Cheese Dip to Chocolate Stout Cupcakes with Chocolate Stout Cream Cheese Frosting, each recipe captures the complex flavors of a perfectly balanced brew, allowing you to savor the nutty notes in an American brown ale or the zesty bite of an IPA. Complete with dozens of color photographs, this book shows you how to incorporate your true love into every bite-sized snack with 100 delicious craft beer recipes, such asHawaiian IPA Pulled-Pork SlidersBelgian AleMarinated Grilled Steak Crostini with IPA ChimichurriBeer-Battered Shrimp with Chipotle Lime Dipping SauceGrilled Barbeque Chicken and Peach Mini PizzasPeanut Butter Stout MousseTopped BrowniesSo get ready to toast the countrys best brews as you transform everyday appetizers into top-shelf plates!,.
The Cook You Want to Be
By Baraghani, Andy
One of Bon Apptit'sfavorite talents shows you how to define and develop your individual cooking style - and become the cook you want to be - in 120 recipes.ONE OF THE MOST ANTICIPATED COOKBOOKS OF 2022 - Time, DelishAndy Baraghani learned to cook professionally in such vaunted restaurants as Chez Panisse and Estela, but his love for flavor began with the comforting home dishes of his Iranian parents' immigrant household.Blending the home cooking of his upbringing and his professional training, Baraghani evolved into a culinary influencer by asking himself, "What kind of cook do I want to be" In answering that question for himself - the cook who can balance flavors and the cook who makes a perfect salad, for example - he became known for trying new techniques, working with easy-to-find but underused ingredients, and creating unexpected combinations.
By Thurston, Robert W
This engaging guide traces the history, cultivation, and culture of coffee, as well as the major factors influencing the industry today. Robert Thurston provides a readable, concise overview of coffee from the time the seeds of the coffee fruit are planted and grow into trees to the latest ideas in roasting and making beverages. He considers cultivation and its challenges, especially climate change; new research on hybridization; the history of coffee and cultural change surrounding it around the world; devices, new and old, for making coffee drinks; the issue of organic versus conventional agriculture; and the health benefits of the brew. The first book that coffee lovers naturally will turn to, it will also appeal to anyone interested in globalization, climate change, and social justice.
Made Whole
By Curp, Cristina
Cristina Curp, the creator of the popular food blog and wellness site The Castaway Kitchen, delivers everything you need to do away with diets and discover the right nutritional path for you in her new book, Made Whole. Made Whole is a comprehensive cookbook and resource guide that combines the Paleo approach with the low-carb/ketogenic diet, using only whole, natural, unprocessed ingredients. Cristina includes all the tools you need to be successful on a ketogenic diet, along with advice and how-tos for using the keto template to eat intuitively and develop a personalized nutrition plan based on your unique needs. Each recipe is free of grain, gluten, sugar, and dairy, along with nuts, starches, nightshades, and alcohol - making this a perfect cookbook for those following keto, Paleo, low-carb, AIP, or allergen-free diets. Cristina's eclectic and mouthwatering recipes draw inspiration from international cuisines to keep cooking fun and exciting. You will feel like a gourmet chef with easy-to-make meals prepared from accessible ingredients that you can find at your local grocer using just the one master list that she provides in the book! Made Whole is a user-friendly guide to cooking beautiful food, eating well, and enjoying every last bite, while reaching your health and fitness goals. Sample recipes include: * Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies * Turkey Falafel with Tzatziki Sauce * Spaghetti and Meatballs with Roasted Beet Marinara * Toasted Coconut Salmon * Savory Flax Waffles * and many more! Made Whole will teach you that healthy food doesn't have to fit into a certain label, box, or idea of what it should be. Once you begin to forget about what you can't eat and embrace the wonderful and delicious things you can eat, you will find freedom and pleasure in fueling your body with the most exceptional sustenance that nature has to offer.
Food52 Baking
By Food52, Editors Of
A stunning collection of hassle-free recipes for baking cakes, cookies, tarts, puddings, muffins, bread, and more, from the editors behind the leading food website Food52.Whether it's the chocolate cake at every childhood birthday, blondies waiting for you after school, or hot dinner rolls smeared with butter at Thanksgiving dinner, homemade baked goods hold a place in many of our best memories. And that's why baking shouldn't be reserved for special occasions. With this book, curated by the editors of Food52, you can have homemade treats far superior to the store-bought variety, even when it feels like you're too busy to turn on the oven. From Brown Butter Cupcake Brownies to "Cuppa Cuppa Sticka" Peach and Blueberry Cobbler, these sixty reliable, easy-to-execute recipes won't have you hunting down special equipment and hard-to-find ingredients or leave you with a kitchen covered in flour and a skink piled high with bowls.
The Happy in a Hurry Cookbook
By Doocy, Steve
In this follow up to their New York Times bestseller The Happy Cookbook, Fox & Friends cohost Steve Doocy and his wife, Kathy, share more hilarious stories and offer crowd-pleasing recipes that are quick, easy, and delicious.Steve Doocy and his wife, Kathy, believe the kitchen and the family dinner table should be happy places where memories are made and shared. But most of us don't have the time to spend hours in the kitchen. Steve and Kathy are no exception, and with The Happy in a Hurry Cookbook, they bring together more than a hundred recipes for favorite comfort foods that come together in a flash - from last-minute entrees to set-it-and-forget-it slow-cooker meals. The Happy in a Hurry Cookbook includes recipes covering a variety of occasions and favorite foods, from holidays, casseroles, and one-pot meals to chicken, pasta, and desserts, as well a whole chapter devoted to the ultimate comfort ingredient: potatoes.
Cooking for One
By Kitchen, America's Test
Discover the joy of cooking for yourself with more than 160 perfectly portioned, easy-to-execute recipes, flexible ingredient lists to accommodate your pantry, and ideas for improvising to your taste.Taking care to prepare a meal for yourself is a different experience than cooking for others. It can be a fun, casual, and (of course) delicious affair, but there are challenges, from avoiding a fridge full of half-used ingredients to ending up with leftovers that become boring after the third reheat. Cooking for One helps you make cooking for yourself special without becoming a chore with unfussy yet utterly appealing meals that rely on ingredients you already have on hand, like Garam Masala Pork Chop with Couscous and Weeknight Chicken Cacciatore. Don't have exactly the right ingredients? Never fear--with a "Kitchen Improv" box on every page, we offer ideas for altering the dish so it works for you.
Cook This Book
By Baz, Molly
If you seek out, celebrate, and obsess over good food but lack the skills and confidence necessary to make it at home, you've just won a ticket to a life filled with supreme deliciousness. Cook This Book is a new kind of foundational cookbook from Molly Baz, who's here to teach you absolutely everything she knows and equip you with the tools to become a better, more efficient cook. Molly breaks the essentials of cooking down to clear and uncomplicated recipes that deliver big flavor with little effort and a side of education, including dishes like Pastrami Roast Chicken with Schmaltzy Onions and Dill, Chorizo and Chickpea Carbonara, and of course, her signature Cae Sal. But this is not your average cookbook. More than a collection of recipes, Cook This Book teaches you the invaluable superpower of improvisation though visually compelling lessons on such topics as the importance of salt and how to balance flavor, giving you all the tools necessary to make food taste great every time.
The Mexican Keto Cookbook
By Borrelli, Torie
Containing more than 100 low-carb, high-fat, anti-inflammatory recipes, The Mexican Keto Cookbook provides insight into the history of Mexican cuisine while also adding a flavorful, international flair to the popular keto diet.In contrast to the typical Mexican American diet--the result of busy schedules, tight budgets, and high-sugar, white flour foods of convenience-- The Mexican Keto Cookbook is packed with authentic, full-flavored, health-conscious recipes designed to burn body fat. It includes the science behind keto, guides you on how to execute the diet effectively, and provides more than 100 amazing recipes. Integrative holistic nutritionist Torie Borrelli tapped into her Mexican heritage to create keto-friendly staples of Mexican cuisine such as Salsa Bandera, Nopales Salad, and Sopa de Albondigas; quick and easy weeknight dinners such as Chicken Tortilla Soup, Goat Cheese Enchiladas, and Spicy Cilantro Chicken Wings; and hearty crowd-pleasers such as Fish Tacos and Turmeric Caper Cauliflower. With this very first low-carb, anti-inflammatory, high-fat Mexican ketogenic cookbook on hand, you can enjoy all the fun and flavor of your favorite Mexican foods while reaping the many health, weight loss, and other benefits keto has to offer.
Mi Cocina
By MartÃnez, Rick
An enticing, regional, and stunning exploration of Mexican cuisine from beloved food writer and host of the Babish Culinary Universe show "Pruébalo" on YouTube and Food52's "Sweet Heat" series, Rick MartÃnez.ONE OF THE MOST ANTICIPATED COOKBOOKS OF 2022 - Time, Food52In his first, much-anticipated cookbook, New York Times contributor, Food52 columnist, and former Bon Appétit food editor Rick MartÃnez introduces home cooks to the diverse culinary treasures of Mexico. In Mi Cocina, Rick travels to each of the seven regions in Mexico to explore 100 unique dishes, the recipe for each accompanied by stunning on-site photography.   In this beautifully personal tribute, Rick expresses Mexico's regionality through dishes like Oaxaca's Mole Coloradito (made with pasilla chiles, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, plantain, and bittersweet chocolate) and Tacos de Capeados (cornmeal-battered fried fish tacos with papaya and tomatillo) from coastal Baja.