Miles McPherson, founder of The Rock Church in San Diego, speaks out about the pervasive racial divisions in today's culture and argues that we must learn to see people not by the color of their skin, but as God sees them - humans created in the image of God.Miles McPherson has had enough of shying away from a major problem in America today: racial tension. It's a topic that's widely recognized, yet rarely acknowledged. Sunday morning is the most segregated time in America today, and our preference for clinging to those who are like us leads to big problems in our country as a whole. Even Christians - who, if they claim to follow God, should be the people most outspoken against racism - fall short, and many of us feel obliged to choose sides. Us vs. them.
Howard Books
Seven Last Words
By Martin, James
Based on his talks at New York's St. Patrick's Cathedral on Good Friday 2015, the New York Times bestselling author and editor at large of America magazine offers a portrait of Jesus, using his last words on the cross to reveal how deeply he understood our predicaments, what it means to be fully human, and why we can turn to Christ completely, in mind, heart, and soul.Each meditation is dedicated to one of the seven sayings:"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.""Today you will be with me in Paradise.""Woman, this is your son" . . . "This is your mother.""My God, my God, why have you forsaken me""I thirst.""It is finished.""Father, into your hands I commend my spirit."With the warmth, wisdom, and grace that infuse his works, Father James Martin explains why Jesus's crucifixion and death on the cross is an important teaching moment in the Gospels. Jesus's final statements, words that are deeply cherished by his followers, exemplify the depth of his suffering but also provide a key to his empathy and why we can connect with him so deeply.
HarperOne, 2016.
Print book
The DIY Style Finder
By Wood, Karianne
Let Your Style Shine KariAnne Wood could tell you a lot about decorating. After all, she's an expert. But this book isn't about her. It's about you. It's about the colors, textures, and patterns that make your heart sing. It's about the creative ideas you can't wait to try in your own home. It's about finding your one-of-a-kind style and then just going for it. And KariAnne is here to help you. Featuring her home and those of four of her blogger friends - Yvonne Pratt (StoneGable) , Bre Doucette (Rooms for Rent) , Laura Putnam (Finding Home Farms) , and Carmel Phillips (Our Fifth House) , KariAnne takes you on a tour representing five major design styles - Farmhouse, Traditional, Coastal, Transitional, and Contemporary. From the entryway to the living room to the kitchen to outdoor spaces, you'll find tips and decorating inspiration for each of these different styles - to encourage you to create a home that's amazingly, wonderfully, uniquely YOU.
Harvest House Publishers
Getting Good with Money
By Fearon, Jessica Marie
Certified financial coach and mom Jessi Fearon leads the way for overwhelmed readers struggling to get a handle on their finances and lays out the doable steps her family underwent to pay off all their debts--even their mortgage!--and pursue their dreams, all on a $47,000-a-year salary.Jessi Fearon vividly remembers the day she broke down, knowing that her family could not pay the bills with a second baby on the way. Like many Americans, they were overwhelmed by debt and living paycheck to paycheck, wondering if it was possible to ever get ahead, or even catch up. But on that day, something changed, and she and her husband decided to make a drastic lifestyle change that would put them back on the path toward their dreams. Their decision not only allowed her to stay home with their children, but in two years, they were able to pay off their consumer debt and, in six years, they paid off their home mortgage--all on their $47,000-a-year income.
‎Thomas Nelson
A Church Called Tov
By Mcknight, Scot
Tragically, in recent years, Christians have gotten used to revelations of abuses of many kinds in our most respected churches -- from Willow Creek to Harvest, from Southern Baptist pastors to Sovereign Grace churches. Respected author and theologian Scot McKnight and former Willow Creek member Laura Barringer wrote this book to paint a pathway forward for the church.We need a better way. The sad truth is that churches of all shapes and sizes are susceptible to abuses of power, sexual abuse, and spiritual abuse. Abuses occur most frequently when Christians neglect to create a culture that resists abuse and promotes healing, safety, and spiritual growth.How do we keep these devastating events from repeating themselves? We need a map to get us from where we are today to where we ought to be as the body of Christ.
Publisher: n/a
Even If
By Lee, Mitchel
What happens when the test comes back positive? The relationship ends? The dream goes unfulfilled? The plans don't move forward? Amid confusion, hurt, and anger, we wonder where we went wrong. What is God doing? In Even If, Mitchel Lee reminds us that while God does not promise a pain-free life, he offers something better: his presence in the pain. No matter our circumstances, God is worthy of our worship, and he can meet us even in our greatest difficulties. Drawing on his own journey, Mitchel explores the compelling story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3. These three men chose to worship God even if God didn't rescue them from the fire. From their example and countless others, we can do the same. Maybe you are stuck in regret, grieving a loss, or unsure of how to take your next step because there is no promise of success.
The Women of the Bible Speak
By Bream, Shannon
The women of the Bible lived timeless stories - by examining them, we can understand what it means to be a woman of faith. People unfamiliar with Scripture often assume that women play a small, secondary role in the Bible. But in fact, they were central figures in numerous Biblical tales. It was Queen Esther's bravery at a vital point in history which saved her entire people. The Bible contains warriors like Jael, judges like Deborah, and prophets like Miriam. The first person to witness Jesus' resurrection was Mary Magdalene, who promptly became the first Christian evangelist, eager to share the news which would change the world forever. In The Women of the Bible Speak, Shannon Bream opens up the lives of sixteen of these Biblical women, arranging them into pairs and contrasting their journeys.
Broadside Books
God Is Young
By Francis, Pope
Pope Francis examines the role of millennials in the future of the Catholic Church in this urgent call to believers of all generations to work together to build a better world.Since his election in 2013, Pope Francis has reinvigorated the Catholic Church and become one of the most popular global leaders. Now, in this extraordinary interview, His Holiness challenges millennials to lead a "sweet revolution" that unites young and old in a mission to remake the world. Pope Francis reminds Catholics of all ages that "God is young, He is always new." He has energy, spontaneity, and the desire for change--youthful qualities that can be rallied to fight the many problems facing the Catholic Church, and the world at large. In this inspiring interview, published in English for the first time, Pope Francis's solution to these problems is simple: a bridge between generations, between the wisdom of experience and the courage of youth.
Random House
By Richo, David
The guide to finding your perfect timing for life's biggest decisions - whether to stay or go in relationships, jobs, locations, and everything that matters most.Do we stay in what we know Or is it the right time to leave and make a change In more than 50 years as a psychotherapist David Richo has been asked versions of this question more than any other. He has coached countless people of all ages through agonizing decisions related to their partnerships, their career, their home, their faith. In Ready, he shares the deep wisdom we need to make these decisions - and feel confident in following through. The book looks at the mystery of timing, why we stay too long, why we leave too soon, and what it feels like when the timing is right.Richo shows that readiness is about more than just making a choice.
The Third Option
By Mcpherson, Miles
Miles McPherson, founder of The Rock Church in San Diego, speaks out about the pervasive racial divisions in today's culture and argues that we must learn to see people not by the color of their skin, but as God sees them - humans created in the image of God.Miles McPherson has had enough of shying away from a major problem in America today: racial tension. It's a topic that's widely recognized, yet rarely acknowledged. Sunday morning is the most segregated time in America today, and our preference for clinging to those who are like us leads to big problems in our country as a whole. Even Christians - who, if they claim to follow God, should be the people most outspoken against racism - fall short, and many of us feel obliged to choose sides. Us vs. them.
Seven Last Words
By Martin, James
Based on his talks at New York's St. Patrick's Cathedral on Good Friday 2015, the New York Times bestselling author and editor at large of America magazine offers a portrait of Jesus, using his last words on the cross to reveal how deeply he understood our predicaments, what it means to be fully human, and why we can turn to Christ completely, in mind, heart, and soul.Each meditation is dedicated to one of the seven sayings:"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.""Today you will be with me in Paradise.""Woman, this is your son" . . . "This is your mother.""My God, my God, why have you forsaken me""I thirst.""It is finished.""Father, into your hands I commend my spirit."With the warmth, wisdom, and grace that infuse his works, Father James Martin explains why Jesus's crucifixion and death on the cross is an important teaching moment in the Gospels. Jesus's final statements, words that are deeply cherished by his followers, exemplify the depth of his suffering but also provide a key to his empathy and why we can connect with him so deeply.
The DIY Style Finder
By Wood, Karianne
Let Your Style Shine KariAnne Wood could tell you a lot about decorating. After all, she's an expert. But this book isn't about her. It's about you. It's about the colors, textures, and patterns that make your heart sing. It's about the creative ideas you can't wait to try in your own home. It's about finding your one-of-a-kind style and then just going for it. And KariAnne is here to help you. Featuring her home and those of four of her blogger friends - Yvonne Pratt (StoneGable) , Bre Doucette (Rooms for Rent) , Laura Putnam (Finding Home Farms) , and Carmel Phillips (Our Fifth House) , KariAnne takes you on a tour representing five major design styles - Farmhouse, Traditional, Coastal, Transitional, and Contemporary. From the entryway to the living room to the kitchen to outdoor spaces, you'll find tips and decorating inspiration for each of these different styles - to encourage you to create a home that's amazingly, wonderfully, uniquely YOU.
Getting Good with Money
By Fearon, Jessica Marie
Certified financial coach and mom Jessi Fearon leads the way for overwhelmed readers struggling to get a handle on their finances and lays out the doable steps her family underwent to pay off all their debts--even their mortgage!--and pursue their dreams, all on a $47,000-a-year salary.Jessi Fearon vividly remembers the day she broke down, knowing that her family could not pay the bills with a second baby on the way. Like many Americans, they were overwhelmed by debt and living paycheck to paycheck, wondering if it was possible to ever get ahead, or even catch up. But on that day, something changed, and she and her husband decided to make a drastic lifestyle change that would put them back on the path toward their dreams. Their decision not only allowed her to stay home with their children, but in two years, they were able to pay off their consumer debt and, in six years, they paid off their home mortgage--all on their $47,000-a-year income.
A Church Called Tov
By Mcknight, Scot
Tragically, in recent years, Christians have gotten used to revelations of abuses of many kinds in our most respected churches -- from Willow Creek to Harvest, from Southern Baptist pastors to Sovereign Grace churches. Respected author and theologian Scot McKnight and former Willow Creek member Laura Barringer wrote this book to paint a pathway forward for the church.We need a better way. The sad truth is that churches of all shapes and sizes are susceptible to abuses of power, sexual abuse, and spiritual abuse. Abuses occur most frequently when Christians neglect to create a culture that resists abuse and promotes healing, safety, and spiritual growth.How do we keep these devastating events from repeating themselves? We need a map to get us from where we are today to where we ought to be as the body of Christ.
Even If
By Lee, Mitchel
What happens when the test comes back positive? The relationship ends? The dream goes unfulfilled? The plans don't move forward? Amid confusion, hurt, and anger, we wonder where we went wrong. What is God doing? In Even If, Mitchel Lee reminds us that while God does not promise a pain-free life, he offers something better: his presence in the pain. No matter our circumstances, God is worthy of our worship, and he can meet us even in our greatest difficulties. Drawing on his own journey, Mitchel explores the compelling story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3. These three men chose to worship God even if God didn't rescue them from the fire. From their example and countless others, we can do the same. Maybe you are stuck in regret, grieving a loss, or unsure of how to take your next step because there is no promise of success.
The Women of the Bible Speak
By Bream, Shannon
The women of the Bible lived timeless stories - by examining them, we can understand what it means to be a woman of faith. People unfamiliar with Scripture often assume that women play a small, secondary role in the Bible. But in fact, they were central figures in numerous Biblical tales. It was Queen Esther's bravery at a vital point in history which saved her entire people. The Bible contains warriors like Jael, judges like Deborah, and prophets like Miriam. The first person to witness Jesus' resurrection was Mary Magdalene, who promptly became the first Christian evangelist, eager to share the news which would change the world forever. In The Women of the Bible Speak, Shannon Bream opens up the lives of sixteen of these Biblical women, arranging them into pairs and contrasting their journeys.
God Is Young
By Francis, Pope
Pope Francis examines the role of millennials in the future of the Catholic Church in this urgent call to believers of all generations to work together to build a better world.Since his election in 2013, Pope Francis has reinvigorated the Catholic Church and become one of the most popular global leaders. Now, in this extraordinary interview, His Holiness challenges millennials to lead a "sweet revolution" that unites young and old in a mission to remake the world. Pope Francis reminds Catholics of all ages that "God is young, He is always new." He has energy, spontaneity, and the desire for change--youthful qualities that can be rallied to fight the many problems facing the Catholic Church, and the world at large. In this inspiring interview, published in English for the first time, Pope Francis's solution to these problems is simple: a bridge between generations, between the wisdom of experience and the courage of youth.
By Richo, David
The guide to finding your perfect timing for life's biggest decisions - whether to stay or go in relationships, jobs, locations, and everything that matters most.Do we stay in what we know Or is it the right time to leave and make a change In more than 50 years as a psychotherapist David Richo has been asked versions of this question more than any other. He has coached countless people of all ages through agonizing decisions related to their partnerships, their career, their home, their faith. In Ready, he shares the deep wisdom we need to make these decisions - and feel confident in following through. The book looks at the mystery of timing, why we stay too long, why we leave too soon, and what it feels like when the timing is right.Richo shows that readiness is about more than just making a choice.