Graphic Novels
Sussex County Dept of Libraries
December, 27 2024 13:40:53
Watters, Shannon -
Lumberjanes Vol. 8
Brown, Box -
Superstars., Archie -
Archie's Big Book Vol. 1
Horikoshi, Kohei -
My Hero Academia, Vol. 4
Gale, Bob -
Back To The Future
Giffen, Keith -
Way, Daniel -
Wolverine by Daniel Way
Spencer, Nick -
Amazing Spider-Man by Nick Spencer Vol. 3
Stavans, Ilan -
Don Quixote of La Mancha
Barber, John -
Wheeler, Shannon -
Sh*t My President Says
Snyder, Scott -
Hama, Larry -
Wolverine vs. Deadpool
Palmiotti, Jimmy -
Harley Quinn Vol. 4
Dixon, Chuck -
Kirkman, Robert -
Outcast by Kirkman & Azaceta Volume 4
Breathed, Berke -
Bloom County
Sulaiman, Hamid -
Freedom Hospital
Bendis, Brian Michael -
Infamous Iron Man Vol. 2
Dixon, Chuck -
Nightwing Vol. 7
Houts, Julie -
Literally Me
Russell, Mark -
The Flintstones Vol. 1
Brubaker, Ed -
Batman By Ed Brubaker Vol. 2
Morini, Manuel -
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym
Peirce, Lincoln -
Big Nate
Dixon, Chuck -
Nightwing Vol. 4
Available., Not -
Deadpool & The Mercs for Money Vol. 2
Reeder, Amy -
Bff #1
Fawkes, Ray -
Gotham by Midnight Vol. 2
King, Tom -
Johnson, Mike -
Star Trek
Hama, Larry -
Hickman, Jonathan -
Franquin, -
Bamboo Baby Blues
Abnett, Dan -
Aquaman Vol. 1
Jurgens, Dan -
Superman - Action Comics Vol. 1
Abadzis, Nick -
Doctor Who
Waid, Mark -
Archie Vol. 2
Comics., Marvel -
Star Wars
Various, -
Flash Rogues
Abnett, Dan -
Guardians of the Galaxy
Bunn, Cullen -
Conan the Slayer Volume 1
Percy, Benjamin -
Green Arrow Vol. 8
Percy, Benjamin -
Mangels, Andy -
Wonder Woman 77 Meets The Bionic Woman
Venditti, Robert -
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Vol. 4
Dematteis, J.m. -
Ariely, Dan -
Amazing Decisions
Thomas, Roy -
Loeb, Jeph -
Costa, Michael -
Web Warriors of the Spider-Verse Vol. 2
David, Peter -
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection
Claremont, Chris -
New Mutants Epic Collection
Snyder, Scott -
Batman Vol. 7
Perez, George -
Wonder Woman by George Perez Vol. 2
Meter, Jan Van -
Black Lightning
Comics, Marvel -
Bullock, Bryce -
Daddy Long Legs and The Inchworm
Barrowman, John -
Torchwood Volume 2
David, Peter -
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection
Barber, John -
Jurgens, Dan -
Avila, Mike -
The Art and Making of Aquaman
Allison, John -
Bad Machinery Volume 3 - Pocket Edition
Oliver, Simon -
The Hellblazer Vol. 1
Dk., -
DC Comics Encyclopedia Updated Edition
Azzarello, Brian -
Before Watchmen Omnibus
Kubo, Tite -
Thompson, Robbie -
Spider-Man/Deadpool Vol. 7
Wood, Brian -
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection
Spencer, Nick -
Captain America
Bardugo, Leigh -
Wonder Woman
Fontana, Shea -
DC Super Hero Girls
Comics., Marvel -
Doctor Strange by Donny Cates Vol. 2
Lemire, Jeff -
Descender Volume 5
Bendis, Brian Michael -
International Iron Man
Duggan, Gerry -
Despicable Deadpool Vol. 1
Holm, Jennifer L. -
I'm Silly!
Comics., Marvel -
Black Panther
Thomas, Roy -
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection
David, Peter -
Incredible Hulk Epic Collection
(firm), Titan Books -
Star Trek - All Good Things
Waid, Mark -
The Flash by Mark Waid Book Six
Mantlo, Bill -
Cloak and Dagger
Slott, Dan -
Tony Stark
Rivera, Gabby -
America Vol. 1
Way, Daniel -
Deadpool by Daniel Way
Johns, Geoff -
JSA by Geoff Johns Book One
Williamson, Joshua -
The Flash Vol. 9
Stevenson, Noelle -
Lumberjanes Vol. 5
Available., Not -
Justice League vs. Suicide Squad
Jurgens, Dan -
Coates, Ta-nehisi -
Captain America by Ta-Nehisi Coates Vol. 2
Barks, Carl -
Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge
Remender, Rick -
Black Science Vol. 3
Hollander, Nicole -
We Ate Wonder Bread
Comics., Marvel -
Champions Vol. 1
Suzukaze, Ryo -
Attack on Titan
Murphy, Sean -
Lemire, Jeff -
Black Hammer Volume 2
Orlando, Steve -
Justice League of America
Jurgens, Dan -
Batman Beyond Vol. 2
Gibbons, Dave -
Captain America
Hitch, Bryan -
Justice League Vol. 1
Williams, Rob -
Judge Dredd
Higgins, Kyle -
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Vol. 3
Giffen, Keith -
Blue Beetle Vol. 2
Wendig, Chuck -
Star Wars
Soule, Charles -
Star Wars
Steele, Hamish -
Claremont, Chris -
Excalibur Epic Collection
Ostrander, John -
Suicide Squad Vol. 5
Tipton, Scott -
Doctor Who Archives
Eisinger, Justin -
Transformers/G.I. JOE
Waid, Mark -
Doctor Strange by Mark Waid Vol. 3
Miyazaki, Hayao -
Princess Mononoke Picture Book
Duggan, Gerry -
Infinity Wars
Barber, John -
Bendis, Brian Michael -
Invincible Iron Man
Jurgens, Dan -
Batman Beyond Vol. 4
Heinberg, Allan -
Young Avengers by Allen Heinberg and Jim Cheung
Seeley, Tim -
Green Lanterns Vol. 6
Venditti, Robert -
Flash 7
Pfeifer, Will -
Teen Titans Vol. 3
Taylor, Tom -
Comics., Marvel -
Avengers by Jason Aaron Vol. 1
Spencer, Nick -
The Astonishing Ant-Man Vol. 2
Waid, Mark -
Champions Vol. 3
Lemke, Donald -
Batman Classic
Costa, Mike -
Venom Vol. 2
Staples, Fiona -
Saga Volume 7
Franquin, -
The Marsupilami's Tail
Blutch., -
King, Stephen -
Palmiotti, Jimmy -
Harley Quinn's Gang of Harleys
Davis, Jim -
Garfield Cooks Up Trouble
Johns, Geoff -
Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Book Two
Priest, Christopher -
Deathstroke Vol. 5
Groening, Matt -
Simpsons Comics Colossal Compendium Volume 4
Coolkyoushinja., -
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid Vol. 4
Irvine, Alex -
Johns, Geoff -
Forever Evil
Claremont, Chris -
X-Men Epic Collection
Duggan, Gerry -
All-New Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 1
Byrne, John -
Guardians of the Galaxy
David, Peter -
Spider-Man 2099 Vol. 2
Cahill, Brendan -
The Harcourt Legacy
Mackie, Howard -
Marvel firsts
Hughes, Adam -
Betty & Veronica by Adam Hughes
Hopeless, Dennis -
Jean Grey Vol. 2
Mackie, Howard -
Reed, Brian -
Captain Marvel
Yolen, Jane -
Stone Cold
Agrimbau, Diego -
The Odyssey
Michelinie, David -
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection
Broome, John -
Remender, Rick -
Black Science Volume 2
Hastings, Chris -
Gwenpool, The Unbelievable Vol. 2
Kusaka, Hidenori -
Pokémon Black and White, Vol. 20
Harris, Charlaine -
Johns, Geoff -
The Flash by Geoff Johns Book Five
Waid, Mark -
The Flash by Mark Waid Book Three
Mcgregor, Don -
Black Panther