Untitled (Spanish Edition)
Rivera, Chiquis - ATRIA
The New York Times bestselling author and beloved star of NBC Universo's The Riveras presents a delicious and satisfying new take on the keto diet for Mexican food lovers who want to lose weight and get fit without sacrificing the rich staples of their favorite cuisine. Now available... |
Conversando en ingls, cuarta edicin
Jaime Bores
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.A proven program to help you converse in English like a native speaker -- now enhanced with extensive... |
Las pulgas que cambiaron el mundo
Vanesa Pérez-Sauquillo - EDICIONES SM Format: (Spanish) Paperback
Dos pulgas pueden cambiar el mundo Claro que s! Solo tienen que saltar de la jaula de los leones a un zapato. Y tener bebs pulguitas que aprendan a saltar. Y saltar fuera del zapato. Y despus... |
Pulpo Guisado
Eric Velasquez Format: Hardcover
The octopus Grandma is cooking has grown to titanic proportions. "Tenga cuidado!" Ramsey shouts. "Be careful!" But it's too late. The octopus traps Grandma! Ramsey must use both art and intellect to free his beloved abuela. Then the story takes a surprising twist.... |
La cita: y otros cuentos de terror (Ilustrados) (Spanish Edition)
Emilia Pardo Bazán - Nórdica Libros Format: Hardcover
"De modo que aquí la tienen. Una invitación a la sorpresa, a la admiración. Eso son, entre otras muchas cosas, los cuentos de doña Emilia Pardo Bazán. Si nunca la leyeron antes, les envidio. Están a punto de darse un auténtico festín de auténtica literatura.Damas, caballeros:... |
Joyce Markovics - Bearport Pub Co Inc Format: Library Binding
Beautiful. Wild. Full of wonder. Welcome to Ecuador! In this bright, exciting book, young readers will travel to this amazing country without ever leaving their homes or classrooms. During their journey, they will learn all about Ecuadors cities, food, holidays, music, and wildlife. Theyll... |