Business & Investing

Jefferson County Library

December, 22 2024 11:24:52

  1. Rubin, James R -  Reset (9780231178242)
  2. Rascoff, Spencer -  Zillow Talk (9781455574742)
  3. Mlodinow, Leonard -  Elastic (9781101870921)
  4. Mcgoodwin, Lauren -  Power Moves (9780062909190)
  5. Cortada, James W. -  IBM (9780262039444)
  6. Harcourt., Houghton Mifflin -  Tools of Titans (9781328683786)
  7. Kolhatkar, Sheelah -  Black Edge (9780812985795)
  8. Martinez, Antonio Garcia -  Chaos Monkeys (9780062458193)
  9. Morgan, Angie -  Spark (9780544716186)
  10. Striner, Richard -  Hard Times (9781442253230)
  11. Leamy, Elisabeth -  Save Big (9780470554210)
  12. Hageseth, Christian -  Big Weed (9781137280008)
  13. Abbott, Erin Austen -  How to Make It (9781452150017)
  14. O'hagan, Sarah Robb -  Extreme You (9780062456151)