Psychology & Philosophy

Kirtland Public Library

December, 20 2024 23:13:20

  1. Ph.d., Lisa Damour -  Under Pressure (9780399180057)
  2. Pang, Alex Soojung-kim -  Rest (9780465074877)
  3. Seligman, Martin E P -  The Hope Circuit (9781610398732)
  4. Shanker, Stuart -  Self-Reg (9781594206092)
  5. Rosenbloom, Stephanie -  Alone Time (9780399562303)
  6. Bull, George Anthony -  The Prince (9780140449150)
  7. Nisbett, Richard E -  Mindware (9780374112677)
  8. Steketee, Gail -  Stuff (9780547422558)
  9. Huffington, Arianna Stassinopoulos -  The Sleep Revolution (9781101904008)
  10. Siegel, Daniel J -  Mind (9780393710533)
  11. Saint, Thomas More, -  Utopia (9781847496256)