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calendarJuly 2019   issueIssue  211

Those who are homebound can still use the library

If you know someone who is not able to get out of the house easily, let us bring the library to them! Derby Public Library and Derby Rotary Club have collaborated on Library2Go to bring library materials to those who cannot get to the library because of physical or medical limitations.

This service is available to anyone who lives in the USD 260 boundaries and is homebound, including those who may be temporarily homebound due to illness or other conditions. The program is free. Materials are delivered to the patron's home on Friday afternoons, every four weeks.

To register for Library2Go, visit the library's Library2Go web page and click on the link to complete the form, or call the library at 316-788-0760 and the person who answers the phone can help you register.


You are invited to the premiere of OOF Entertainment's short film, Grimm Lore


Join us as we roll out the red carpet to celebrate Teen Moviecraft's summer short film about twisted fairy tales, a tyrannical Grimm Reader, and more in the world of Grimm Lore.

6:30 p.m. Thursday, July 25 in the Community Room
Refreshments will be served.



Looking for someplace to discuss books?
We've got you covered!

We have three active book groups here at the library that are open to everyone. If you love to read and talk about the books you read, pop in to one or more of the book groups! Bemused Bibliophiles meets during the day and reads popular books that have been on the bestseller list. Hauntingly Good Reads meets in the evening and explores all kinds of books that have a supernatural/magical/unexplainable kind of bent—we look far beyond the traditional vampires, ghosts and witches. Joyful Page Turners is the most enduring book club at the library—it's been meeting regularly since May 2000! Books selected for this book club include just about everything: classics, modern bestsellers, non-fiction, and more. Click on the book titles below to see them in the library catalog. Sign in to your library account on the catalog and you can place a title on hold. 

  • Bemused Bibliophiles — meets at 1 p.m. July 3. The title for July is The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware
  • Hauntingly Good Reads — meets at 7 p.m. July 8. The title for July is  11/22/63 by Stephen King.
  • Joyful Page TurnersIs taking a short break for the summer and won't hold meetings in June or July. Watch this space in the August newsletter for its next meeting date and title!

Teens take their art to
'Creativity and Beyond'

As kids and adults explore a universe of stories for summer reading, 16 teens accepted the challenge to create art inspired by space. Their work is now on display in the High Wall Gallery at the Derby Public Library.

The artwork was judged by a professional artist and teacher, who awarded first through third places and two honorable mentions:

  • First place: “Reality Can Be Whatever I Want it to Be” by Trinity Bayliff (shown at left)
  • Second place: “The Stars that Surround” by Tyler Atherton
  • Third place: “Little Sailboat” by Stormy Gallaher
  • Honorable Mention: “The Girl with the Galaxy Hair” by Carolyn Bradshaw
  • Honorable Mention: “The Milky Way Galaxy” by Kevin Chase

Each winner receives a gift card from Hobby Lobby in values of $15 to $50.

“Creativity and Beyond” will be on view through the end of July. Be sure to stop by the High Wall Gallery next time you are in the library and see the talent of area teens on display.


Tween escape rooms still have a few spots left!

Did you know the astronauts left their poop behind on the moon? They did! And it mutated into a giant poop monster that is now trying to blow up the moon!

Can you figure out the clues and defuse the bomb in time? Work together in groups of 10 to solve the riddles.

Register each child for an esape room experience in one of the time slots at 3:30, 4 or 4:30 p.m. Thursday, July 18. ~for kids entering third through fifth grades

Registration is required.


Genealogy class:
Digitizing your family history

Learn how to create digital files of your family documents, photos, and keepsakes. Please note that this class will be on Sunday instead of Monday.

Sunday, July 21, 2 p.m. in the Frank Fanning Room
Registration requested


Classic book review:
The Three Musketeers 
by Alexandre Dumas

First LIne: : On the first Monday of the month of April, 1625, the bourg, of Meung, in which the author of the “Romance of the Rose” was born, appeared to be in as perfect a state of revolution as if the Huguenots had just made a second Rochelle of it.

Summary: When young D’Artagnan leaves his home in Gascony headed for the capital of Paris he has high hopes of joining the King’s musketeers.  On his journey he is robbed of the letter of introduction by the Comte de Rochefort, an agent of the Cardinal.  Upon his arrival in Paris he is denied entry to the musketeers, challenged to three duels and meets the men who will become his closest companions.  With the help of the three musketeers, Porthos, Athos, and Aramis, D’Artagnan helps keep France safe from the scheming of the evil Cardinal Richelieu and Milady de Winter.

My thoughts: I love this story.  I read it for the first time in high school (for pleasure not an assignment).  Even though the language is old and story seems rather ridiculous at times, it is still one of the best books I have ever read.  It has comedy, action, love and revenge.  There are twists and turns that some of the best thrillers of today lack.  There is so much to love inside these pages including the friendship of D’Artagnan and the musketeers, the love story, and most of all Milady.  She is one of the greatest villainesses of literature.  She is cunning and deadly.  Even though you are meant to despise her you cannot help being a little in awe of her as well.  If you have not read this then is suggest you clear up some time and pick up this classic novel.

Release date: 1844

Check out our blog for more book reviews. 

Ashley's rating:



The Dreamers: A Novel
by Karen Thompson Walker

First line: At first, they blame the air.

Summary: In a small college town in southern California something strange begins to happen.  It starts with a  college girl who comes back to her dorm and falls asleep and never wakes up.  No one can wake her.  She is taken to the hospital.  Then another girl falls asleep too.  It continues to spread.  The college is closed.  Quarantine is enacted on the town.  What is the sleeping sickness?  How do we help the people who are sleeping?

My thoughts: As I was listening I kept comparing it to Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel.  It had a very similar feel to it.  Can you imagine how scary it would be to have people falling asleep and not waking up?  Even though this is the premise, the most interesting part is the people who live in the town and how they deal with the changing world around them.  It is more of a study on people than a plot driven book.  Some might find it slow or boring but I was fascinated by it.

Release date: Jan. 15, 2019

Ashley's rating:

New-release book review:

Little Darlings
by Melanie Golding

First line: DS Joanna Harper stood on the viaduct with the other police officers.

Summary: After the birth of her twin boys, Lauren Tranter is exhausted.  But one night while in the hospital she hears the sound of another woman in the adjoining bed singing to her twins.  When Lauren asks about her she is told that there are no other twins in the maternity ward.  Lauren is sure she saw someone.  The following night the woman is back and threatens to take Lauren’s boys in exchange for her own.  In a panic Lauren calls the police but when they arrive there is no evidence that anyone was there.  However, Joanna Harper with the local police believes that there is something more to the story.  She is only one who believes Lauren.  Who is this woman that seems to be stalking Lauren and her twin boys?

My thoughts: This story is very dark.  It teeters on the edge between contemporary crime thriller and paranormal folk story.  Throughout the story I kept trying to figure out where it landed.  It was gripping from the very beginning.  I had goosebumps as Lauren talks with the mysterious woman in the maternity ward.  Her descriptions were chilling.  If you love a creepy thriller than this is perfect for you.

Release date: April 30, 2019

Ashley's rating:


















The library will be closed July 4 in observance of Independence Day.


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