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calendarAugust 2018   issueIssue 112

Mission: Tanzania
New art in High Wall Gallery

A collection of photographs by Sheila Maksimowicz will go up in the High Wall Gallery later this week. Sheila is a resident of Derby and a member of the Derby Photography Club, which meets at the library on Monday evenings. Stop in and see these compelling photos from Sheila's trip to Tanzania, where she and her husband visited their daughter Megan, who was in the Peace Corps there at the time.

Last summer splash—story time at Rock River Rapids

Join us for some splashy fun as we have a special story time at Rock River Rapids. We'll sit poolside and have some fun stories and other activities. This special story time is designed for children age 5 and younger.

Saturday, Aug. 4, 10:30-11 a.m.


Congratulations to all our summer reading participants on a FANTASTIC summer of reading. We had our highest rate of finishers ever!

That's a lot of hours of reading and many, many games of bowling and hours of fun at Rock River Rapids.


(PS: We also had 288 adults register and 148 of them finished for a rate of 51.4%)

Listen to the Tween/Teen Radio Play on the podcast

One of our summer reading programs for tweens and teens to create an original old-fashioned radio play. The radio play was featured at the Teen Moviecraft Red Carpet Premiere, and now you can listen to it on Novel Ideas: The Library Podcast. Find the library podcast, featuring episodes on all kinds of things library, at, or on the App Store or Google Play on your mobile device. Check it out!



Love to talk books? Come to a library book club!

We have three active book groups here at the library that are open to everyone. If you love to read and talk about the books you read, pop in to one or more of the book groups! Bemused Bibliophiles meets during the day and reads popular books that are or have been on the bestseller list. Hauntingly Good Reads meets in the evening and explores all kinds of books that have a supernatural/magical/unexplainable kind of bent—we look far beyond the traditional vampires, ghosts and witches. Joyful Page Turners is the most enduring book club at the library—it's been meeting regularly for more than 18 years! Books selected for this book club include just about everything: classics, modern bestsellers, non-fiction, and more. Click on the book titles below to see them in the library catalog. Sign in to your library account on the catalog and you can place a title on hold.


Thanks for supporting the book sale!

Thanks to everyone who came out to the book sale and joined the Friends of the Derby Library, bought books and other items, or volunteered. This year's book sale was one of the best yet and the Friends appreciate the support from the community. Lots of donations were received and that was awesome too.

All the books that didn't sell were donated to the Union Rescue Mission's bookstore.


New release book review:
The Masterpiece
by Fiona Davis

First LIne: Clara Darden's illustration class at the Grand Central School of Art, tucked under the copper eaves of the terminal, was unaffected by the trains that rumbled through ancient layers of Manhattan schist hundreds of feet below.

Summary: For Clara, a struggling artist and illustration teacher, Grand Central School of Art is a stepping-stone in her hopes of greater things to come. She has dreams of working for Vogue as an illustrator. After her divorce, Virginia Clay has been trying to figure out how to support herself and her daughter after spending years as the wife of a powerful attorney. When she gets a job at Grand Central Terminal in the information booth, she does not realize how much it will change her life.

My thoughts: I really enjoyed the character of Levon. He was fiery and temperamental. He is definitely the iconic angsty artist. He had a rich backstory and little quirks that made him stand out. The descriptions of Grand Central were amazing. Google is my best friend when reading historical fiction. I am always pausing my reading to search for pictures or more information about places and characters. It is sad that the terminal was in such bad shape in the 1970s and that at one point it was going to be torn down. I have never traveled to NYC but I have seen the station at Kansas City and if it is half as pretty as that, it would have been a shame to lose it.

Release date: Aug. 7, 2018

Click here to find The Masterpiece by Fiona Davis on the library catalog

Check out our blog for more on this book and for other book reviews. 

Ashley's rating:


New release book review: The Romanov Empress
by C.W. Gortner

First line: “We should dress alike,” I said on that afternoon when life changed forever.

Summary: In the latest historical novel by C.W. Gortner, we get the story of Minnie, the mother of the last tsar of Russia. Minnie is a princess of Denmark and destined to marry for an alliance. That marriage is to the future tsar of Russia, Alexander III. However, when trouble strikes the country, the new tsar and tsarina must find a way to navigate the changing political climate before the country revolts. When Alexander dies unexpectedly, leaving their inexperienced son Nicholas as tsar, Minnie must try to guide him before they lose their country forever.

My thoughts: I found Minnie to be a fascinating woman. I knew next to nothing about her other than what is portrayed in the movie, Anastasia. She sounds like a strong woman who had to try to survive in a very turbulent time. Russia has always been a country with struggles and that fact that she lived through them shows how smart she really was. 

Release date: July 10, 2018

Click here to see The Romanov Empress in the library catalog

Ashley's rating:

New release book review:
Believe Me by J.P. Delaney

First line: On the day of departure, guests are requested to vacate their rooms by noon.

Summary: When British acting student Claire is struggling for money to pay rent, she starts work as a decoy for a law firm in order to entrap straying husbands. However, on her last job, the wife ended up dead the next day. In order to find out who the killer is, they ask Claire to try to get a confession out of the husband. As she immerses herself into her character, the lines between her act and reality begin to blur.

My thoughts: In this second novel by J.P. Delaney, we get a twisty psychological thriller. I was certain I had the story figured out. I was wrong. There were so many decoys and little tidbits that make the reader believe one thing when it might mean something completely different. The story was FAST! I could not believe how quickly I read this and how hard it was to put down. I loved being inside Claire’s head even though it got a little troublesome at times. The way she viewed everything as a production was a fun writing-style choice from the author.

Release date: July 24, 2018

Click here to see Believe Me in the library catalog

Ashley's rating:


Pick up a brochure of fall programs for kids

When you are in the library this month, be sure to pick up a brochure so you know all the great programs that are available for kids! They are available at the front desk and at the youth services desk. Programming for kids starts up again in September.

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