The library is the heart of your community!
Main Library 449 Halsey Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054 (973)-887-5150

Lake Hiawatha 68 Nokomis Ave., Lake Hiawatha, NJ 07034 (973)-335-0952
Mount Tabor 31 Trinity Park, Mount Tabor, NJ 07878 (973)-627-9508








Good news! Your library items are only a phone call or email away! The Parsippany Library, 449 Halsey Road, and the Lake Hiawatha branch, 68 Nokomis Avenue, continue to offer convenient curbside pickup for anyone who wants to pick up a hold or request a Library item.

In order to be consistent with the opening of other public buildings in Town, and for the safety and security of our residents and staff, the Main Library plans to reopen on July 20th.  Stay tuned for more details.










Our Library book drops are open! You can return your items at any time. Fines are being waived until September 8th.

The library cannot accept book or media donations at this time.  Due to current public health considerations, donations left at the Library will be quickly discarded.