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  Psychology & Philosophy  
Music at the Edge: The Music Therapy Experiences of a Musician with AIDS

Colin Andrew Lee · Routledge
Pages: 206
Format: Hardcover

Music at the Edge invites the reader to experience a complete music therapy journey through the words and music of the client, and the therapist's reflections. Francis, a musician living with AIDS, challenged Colin Andrew Lee, the music therapist, to help clarify his feelings about...
An Adult with an Autism Diagnosis: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed

Gillan Drew · Jessica Kingsley Publishers
Pages: 176
Format: Paperback

Being diagnosed with autism as an adult can be disorienting and isolating; however, if you can understand the condition and how it affects perceptions, relationships, and your relationship with the world in general, a happy and successful life is attainable. Through an introduction to the autism...
Literary Theory For Beginners

Mary Klages · For Beginners
Pages: 218
Format: Paperback

Have you heard the terms structuralism and deconstruction and postmodernism but aren't really sure what they mean? Have you taken a whole course on literary criticism but are still feeling lost? Here's the book you need to sort it all out -- and enjoy doing so!In Literary Theory...
Built for Growth: How Builder Personality Shapes Your Business, Your Team, and Your Ability to Win

Chris Kuenne · Harvard Business Review Press
Pages: 256
Format: Hardcover

Many factors shape the success or failure of a new business, whether it's a stand-alone start-up or a new venture inside a larger corporation. But the most important and least understood of these factors is the personality of the builder -- the founder or leader's particular combination...
Be Like the Fox: Machiavelli In His World

ERICA BENNER · W. W. Norton & Company
Pages: 384
Format: Hardcover

The dramatic, myth-shattering story of how Machiavelli, the most misunderstood thinker of all time, fought to change his corrupt world.Since the publication of The Prince five centuries ago, Machiavelli has been associated with political amorality. But that characterization is unfair. In Be Like...
Moral Imagination: Essays

David Bromwich · Princeton University Press
Pages: 350
Format: Print book

Spanning many historical and literary contexts, Moral Imagination brings together a dozen recent essays by one of America's premier cultural critics. David Bromwich explores the importance of imagination and sympathy to suggest how these faculties may illuminate the motives of human...
How the Child's Mind Develops

David Cohen · Routledge
Pages: 213
Format: Hardcover

How do we get from helpless baby to knowing teenager? What impact do television, computers and iPads, the internet, video games and evolving technology have on the way children's minds develop? Is cognition a question of learning and environment or of heredity? How we learn to think,...
Evil Online

Dean Cocking · Wiley-Blackwell
Pages: 176
Format: Hardcover

"I am delighted to offer my highest praise to Dean Cocking and Jeroen van den Hoven's brilliant new book, Evil Online. The confrontation between good and evil occupies a central place in the challenges facing our human nature, and this creative investigation into the spread of evil...
On purpose

Michael Ruse · Princeton University Press
Pages: 294

A brief, accessible history of the idea of purpose in Western thought, from ancient Greece to the present Can we live without the idea of purpose? Should we even try to? Kant thought we were stuck with purpose, and even Darwin's theory of natural selection, which profoundly shook the idea,...
Red and Yellow, Black and Brown: Decentering Whiteness in Mixed Race Studies

Joanne L. Rondilla · Rutgers University Press
Pages: 278
Format: Paperback

Red and Yellow, Black and Brown gathers together life stories and analysis by twelve contributors who express and seek to understand the often very different dynamics that exist for mixed race people who are not part white. The chapters focus on the social, psychological, and political...
Wages of Rebellion

Chris Hedges · Nation Books
Pages: 304
Format: Hardcover

Revolutions come in waves and cycles. We are again riding the crest of a revolutionary epic, much like 1848 or 1917, from the Arab Spring to movements against austerity in Greece to the Occupy movement. In Wages of Rebellion, Chris Hedges - who has chronicled the malaise and sickness of a society...
The Monarchy of Fear: A Philosopher Looks at Our Political Crisis

Martha C. Nussbaum · Simon & Schuster
Pages: 272
Format: Hardcover

From one of the world's most celebrated moral philosophers comes a thorough examination of the current political crisis and recommendations for how to mend our divided country.For decades Martha C. Nussbaum has been an acclaimed scholar and humanist, earning dozens of honors for her books...
Becoming Dallas Willard: The Formation of a Philosopher, Teacher, and Christ Follower

Gary W Moon · IVP Books
Pages: 289
Format: Hardcover

Dallas Willard was a personal mentor and inspiration to hundreds of pastors, philosophers, and average churchgoers. His presence and ideas rippled through the lives of many prominent leaders and authors, such as John Ortberg, Richard Foster, James Bryan Smith, Paula Huston, and J. P. Moreland....
Scienceblind: Why Our Intuitive Theories About the World Are So Often Wrong

Andrew Shtulman · Basic Books
Pages: 304
Format: Print book

Why do we catch colds? What causes seasons to change? And if you fire a bullet from a gun and drop one from your hand, which bullet hits the ground first? In a pinch we almost always get these questions wrong. Worse, we regularly misconstrue fundamental qualities of the world around us. In Scienceblind,...
The Evil of Banality: On The Life and Death Importance of Thinking

Elizabeth Kamarck Minnich · Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 243
Format: Paperback

Asking, How could they do it? about the many ordinary people who have been perpetrators and those who resist extensive evils-genocide, human trafficking, endemic sexualized violations of females, economic exploitation-the book delves into historic, contemporary, national, and international...