SelectReads News

Toledo Lucas County Public Library

May, 03 2024 04:51:12

  1. Free eBooks to read on your iPad, Kindle, tablet, mobile phone, or other compatible devices. Digital books are automatically "returned" to the library - no late fees!

  2. Sweeney, Cynthia D'aprix -  The Nest (9780062414236)
  3. Robison, John Elder -  Switched On (9780812996906)
  4. Tripp, Dawn Clifton -  Georgia (9780679604273)
  5. Burroughs, Augusten -  Lust & Wonder (9781250082367)
  6. Orenstein, Peggy -  Girls & Sex (9780062209733)
  7. Winspear, Jacqueline -  Journey to Munich (9780062220622)