The mayhem and madness continue in season three of this biting and uproarious adult animated comedy series. Wrapping up their "Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour," Harley Quinn (Kaley Cuoco) and Poison Ivy (Lake Bell) return to Gotham as the new power couple of DC villainy. Along with...
Tom Blyth - Lionsgate Home Entertainment Format: DVD
In this prequel to The Hunger Games, a young Coriolanus Snow - decades before becoming the tyrannical President of Panem - battles his instincts between good and evil as he mentors Lucy Gray Baird in the 10th Hunger Games.
Beautifully restored by ClassicFlix from 35mm film preserved by the Library of Congress, Thornton Wilder's immortal classic Our Town (1940) starring William Holden and Martha Scott makes its Blu-ray debut.
Touching, yet unsentimental - tender, yet heart-breaking, Thornton...
Maggie Moore(s) takes place in a dusty desert town where nothing ever happens, as a police chief is suddenly faced with the back-to-back murders of two women with the same name.
Peter Mcbride; Kevin Fedarko - Buena Vista Home Entertainment Format: DVD
Journalists Pete McBride and Kevin Fedarko set out on assignment for National Geographic Magazine to traverse the Grand Canyon by foot. They hope this 750-mile walk will help them better understand one of America's most revered landscapes and the commercial developments poised to alter...