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Sleep Reset in 12 Steps
Sleep Reset in 12 Steps

Paul Bright

Sleep problems happen to everyone, but not everyone with sleep problems is an insomniac.What if your sleep problems aren't chronic, but a recent disruption due to lifestyle changes or new stressors?You could use a sleep reset. And Paul Bright has the 12 steps you can take to get your sleep...
The Fearless Diabetic: How to Battle a Relentless Disease and Win
The Fearless Diabetic: How to Battle a Relentless Disease and Win

Ben Milsom

Having lived with T1D for the past twenty-seven years, Ben Milsom has experienced almost every symptom and side effect there is. In The Fearless Diabetic, he offers a real-life look at what it's like to live with and thrive with this challenging disease. This isn't a book about can't....
Tomorrow's Weigh
Tomorrow's Weigh

Battisti, Ph. D.

TOMORROW'S WEIGH the no-diet way to lose weight This is not a book about dieting. It's about starvation. Starvation is a strange phenomenon to be playing a role in the 21st century in the wealthiest nation on the planet, but there is no other word for the culture ot weight-consciousness...
"Sanando el Espíritu: Una Guía Práctica de Reiki para el Bienestar y la Armonía"

Juan Martinez

"Sanando el Espíritu: Una Guía Práctica de Reiki para el Bienestar y la Armonía" es un libro que te sumerge en el apasionante mundo del Reiki, una antigua técnica de sanación japonesa. Desde una perspectiva holística, esta obra te lleva a explorar los fundamentos del Reiki, ofreciendo...
Fit & Fabulous
Fit & Fabulous

Elena Biedert

This 12-week holistic fitness program is specifically designed for women. The focus is not only on achieving a specific outcome, like weight loss, but also on teaching readers how to make sustainable, long-term changes to their diet to support their desired goals. Instead of counting calories...
Stay Out of the Woods: Volumes 6-10
Stay Out of the Woods: Volumes 6-10

Tom Lyons

Stay Out of the Woods: Volumes 6-10 exposes the hidden terrors of America's forests through real encounters with the unexplained. From eerie whispers to unseen predators, these volumes collect firsthand reports of strange entities and creatures lurking in the wilderness. Each story is a chilling...
"El Camino delDespertar: La Vida y Enseñanzas de Buda"

Juan Martinez

"El Camino del Despertar: La Vida y Enseñanzas de Buda" es una obra que invita al lector a sumergirse en la vida fascinante y las profundas enseñanzas del Buda histórico, Siddhartha Gautama. A través de una narrativa cautivadora, el libro explora los momentos clave de la vida de Buda,...
Going Shopping With God
Going Shopping With God

Sylvia Bryden-Stock

When we bring the creator God into our daily life, each day becomes more exciting as we see him manifest what we need in creative ways. Inspired from the author's life experiences, the reader will tap into powerful information and biblical truths related to walking with God and expecting...
The Black Pearl
The Black Pearl

Julia Mims Robinson

Naked and Not Ashamed is written from a REALIST VIEW. A true story of a woman's life. It was not until her wounds had healed was she able to write about abuse. Some women protect their image by pretense, ignoring their feeling of being rejected. The pain of rejection may give rise to negative...