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Abide in Christ
Abide in Christ

Andrew Murray

"Abide In Christ" by Andrew Murray is a timeless exploration of the Christian's relationship with Jesus Christ and the transformative power of abiding in Him. Drawing from biblical teachings and personal experience, Murray invites readers to deepen their connection with Christ and experience...

Andrew Murray

In "Humility," Andrew Murray explores the profound yet often overlooked virtue of humility as essential to the Christian life. Drawing from biblical teachings and personal reflections, Murray offers a compelling argument for the importance of humility in relationship with God and others. ...
Friendship with God
Friendship with God

Mike McKinley

Based on John Owen's Classic Text Communion with God, This Helpful Resource Answers the Question, "What Does It Mean to Be Friends with Jesus?" In John 15, Jesus says, "I have called you friends." But what does it mean to be friends with Jesus? In the early 1650s, theologian John Owen...
Help for the Hungry Soul
Help for the Hungry Soul

Kristen Wetherell

Encouragement to Treasure the Bible and Grow in Your Desire for God's Life-Giving Word In our never-satisfied world, our souls hunger for more, and it's tempting to reach for the wrong "food" to satisfy our needs. Thankfully, Jesus is the bread of life who offers us himself through the life-giving...
Don't Waste Your Life
Don't Waste Your Life

John Piper

In This Bestselling Book, John Piper Challenges Christians to a God-Exalting Life Many spend their lives on trivial diversions, seeking earthly comfort and pleasure above all else. But Jesus said, "Whoever loses his life for my sake will save it," calling us into the eternal purpose and God-exalting...
Going Shopping With God
Going Shopping With God

Sylvia Bryden-Stock

When we bring the creator God into our daily life, each day becomes more exciting as we see him manifest what we need in creative ways. Inspired from the author's life experiences, the reader will tap into powerful information and biblical truths related to walking with God and expecting...
Answering Speech
Answering Speech

Daniel J. Brendsel

Pursuing an Expansive Life of Prayer In wondrous contrast to silent idols, the one true God speaks. He addresses his people in love, and it's their great privilege to answer him in prayer. At its root, prayer isn't mere self-expression or a prod to get a silent God to speak, but it is a learned...
Impossible Christianity
Impossible Christianity

Kevin DeYoung

Bestselling Author Kevin DeYoung Offers Hope for Those Who Feel Like Christianity Has Become Hopelessly Crushing and Complex The apostle Paul described the Christian life as a race, but to many believers it feels more like a punishing obstacle course. Fearing they'll never be able to do enough...
Gentle and Lowly
Gentle and Lowly

Dane Ortlund

Pastor Dane Ortlund Explores Jesus's Heart to Reveal His Tender Love for Sinners and Suffers Christians know that God loves them, but can easily feel that he is perpetually disappointed and frustrated, maybe even close to giving up on them. As a result, they focus a lot-and rightly so-on...
(A)Typical Woman
(A)Typical Woman

Abigail Dodds

A Woman Through and Through In a culture that can belittle womanhood on the one hand-making it irrelevant-and glorify it on the other-making it everything-it's hard to know what it really means to be a woman. But when we understand womanhood through the lens of Scripture, we see that we need...