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L'audience est ouverte : faites entrer la juge
L'audience est ouverte : faites entrer la juge

Annick Corona

"L'audience est ouverte : faites entrer la juge" est une autobiographie qui relate des enquêtes captivantes impliquant la mafia internationale ainsi que les milieux criminels lyonnais, corses et marseillais. Ce livre met en évidence l'importance cruciale de la collaboration des magistrats...
The Driver
The Driver

Garet Garrett

The Driver is a novel by American journalist Garet Garrett. It tells the story of brilliant financial speculator Henry M. Galt. Through his own vision and work ethic, Galt takes over the failing Great Midwestern Railroad during an economic crisis, turning it into a hugely productive and profitable...
Rester debout !
Rester debout !

Marie-Line Fradet

Très jeune, Marie-Line perd l'amour de sa vie de manière tragique. Elle se retrouve seule avec leur fils âgé de seulement 18 mois. Elle raconte son deuil, son parcours vers la reconstruction, et relate comment le cancer s'est insinué au milieu du chaos qu'est devenue sa vie. Cette...
Lying Down With Dogs
Lying Down With Dogs

Linda Caradine

Lying Down with Dogs is a series of interrelated essays about the years Caradine spent starting and running Other Mothers Animal Rescue. As in any worthwhile endeavor, life has a way of intervening and she includes some of those non-animal adventures in her tale as it is all a part of the larger...
Border Patrol Serial Killer
Border Patrol Serial Killer

Lyzza Janette

WHAT GOES ON IN THE MIND OF A SERIAL KILLER? You think you know ... but you have no idea. This is the story of Juan David Ortiz. This true crime exposé is drawn from EXCLUSIVE interviews-like you've never seen before-with Juan David Ortiz, the professed churchgoer, war veteran, and former...