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Coastal Geomorphology: Processes, Landforms, and Human Interactions
Coastal Geomorphology: Processes, Landforms, and Human Interactions

Dr. Aran Castro A. J.

Coastal Geomorphology: Processes, Landforms, and Human Interactions by Dr. Aran Castro A J is an in-depth exploration of the dynamic processes that shape our planet's coastlines. This comprehensive guide delves into the physical processes, such as wave action, tides, and sediment transport,...
Lifeful Stories of Lifeless Rocks
Lifeful Stories of Lifeless Rocks

Ani Dee

Lifeful Stories of Lifeless Rocks breathes life into the seemingly silent world of rocks, offering readers a captivating exploration through first-person narratives. This unique book transforms ordinary rocks into vibrant storytellers, revealing their ancient origins and their significant...
Femmes en Mer Récits et Témoignages de Marins Féminins
Femmes en Mer Récits et Témoignages de Marins Féminins

Dua Roland Koffi

Dans l'ensemble, le livre Femmes en Mer Récits et Témoignages de Marins Féminins est une lecture pertinente pour ceux qui s'intéressent aux expériences des femmes dans un domaine d'activité traditionnellement masculin. En prenant comme exemple l'industrie maritime, le livre explore...
Feeding a Divided America
Feeding a Divided America

Gilles Stockton

In Feeding a Divided America, third-generation Montana rancher and international agriculture development specialist Gilles Stockton explores the causes of what he refers to as the "rural-urban divide" and how this widening chasm between rural America and urban centers threatens our democracy....