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Framed & Profiled
Framed & Profiled

Van Johnson, M. D.

When Dr. Johnson refused to go along with their plans, his office was burglarized, his property was vandalized, and he received death threats. Eventually, an Indiana Trooper informed him that a hit had been placed on his life. A week before his insurance policy was set to expire, Dr. Johnson...
My Tragic Life
My Tragic Life

M. A. Seymour

This is my updated true story, whereby I reveal what my life was like growing up "Different."1970's Australia was traditional.Met my first and only love, Claire Baire, first day of school, in 1970, who helped me open my eyes.My childhood was stolen from 6-14.Viciously assaulted and left...
Jenseits der Grenzen, Band 3: Erfüllung und Einfluss
Jenseits der Grenzen, Band 3: Erfüllung und Einfluss


Erlebe das kraftvolle Finale der fesselnden Trilogie "Jenseits der Grenzen – Der Weg zur Freiheit" mit dem dritten Band, "Erfüllung und Einfluss". In diesem packenden Abschlussband findest du Lena, die nun in ihrem neuen Leben angekommen ist und beginnt, ihre Träume und Ziele zu verwirklichen....
How to Fail as an Author
How to Fail as an Author

Steven E. Wedel

In a world saturated with success stories and overnight sensations, author Steven E. Wedel takes a refreshingly honest and humorous approach to navigating the tumultuous waters of the writing life. In "How to Fail as an Author," Wedel shares his personal journey from aspiring writer to seasoned...
Femmes en Mer Récits et Témoignages de Marins Féminins
Femmes en Mer Récits et Témoignages de Marins Féminins

Dua Roland Koffi

Dans l'ensemble, le livre Femmes en Mer Récits et Témoignages de Marins Féminins est une lecture pertinente pour ceux qui s'intéressent aux expériences des femmes dans un domaine d'activité traditionnellement masculin. En prenant comme exemple l'industrie maritime, le livre explore...