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Traditions of the Arapaho
Traditions of the Arapaho

George A. Dorsey

Immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the Arapaho people with George A. Dorsey's Traditions of the Arapaho. This comprehensive and meticulously researched work provides an in-depth exploration of the myths, legends, and traditions that have shaped the Arapaho's unique cultural...
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Alva Eriksdotter

C'est le récit d'un voyage effrayant dans l'univers absurde de l'Éducation nationale. Un monde à part, aux antipodes des valeurs que l'institution prétend défendre et o la hiérarchie est largement incompétente, mais toute-puissante. Prof lambda depuis cinq ans, la narratrice vit soudain...
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Mel Herbert, M. D.

While some hear the word "average" and think: lackluster, un- exceptional, mediocre-Mel Herbert begs to differ. It is the rule, not the exception, he claims, that average people can do extraordinary things. Herbert, an award-winning doctor, philanthropist and creator of innovative medical...
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Bodyguard: The Real Story
Bodyguard: The Real Story

Jonathan Levi

The Untold Stories of Britain's Bodyguards Follow the firsthand recollections of men and women who guard the United Kingdom's most famous figures A career of bravery and discretion revealed. As one of the most hazardous occupations in the world, bodyguarding means not only protecting...
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Guns, Girls, and Greed
Guns, Girls, and Greed

Morgan Lerette

Experience the world of private contractors conducting high-threat missions for a nascent Iraqi government in the hopes of rebuilding after the fall of Saddam Hussein. With limited support, the men of Blackwater protected US diplomats as the country descended into sectarian violence. It was a hazardous...
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The Rise and Fall of Jesse James
The Rise and Fall of Jesse James

Robertus Love

Explore the dramatic and turbulent life of one of America's most infamous outlaws with Robertus Love's The Rise and Fall of Jesse James. This captivating biography provides an in-depth look at the life and legacy of Jesse James, from his beginnings as a Confederate guerrilla fighter to his notorious...
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The Deadly Path
The Deadly Path

Peter J. Forcelli

Pete Forcelli was a highly respected federal agent in New York City, where he made an impact on violent crime by successfully targeting some of the city's most violent street gangs by using federal racketeering and continuing criminal enterprise statutes in conjunction with federal prosecutors....
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GANDHI: My Experiments With Truth - Autobiography
GANDHI: My Experiments With Truth - Autobiography

Mohandas K. Gandhi

Mohandas K. Gandhi, better known as Mahatma (Great-souled) Gandhi, was an Indian pacifist leader who inspired the world. His philosophy has a clear purpose: to encourage humanity to trust in itself, convincing us that we are capable of creating positive changes in society and achieving...
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Vicente Silva and his Forty Thieves: The Vice Criminals of the 80's and 90's
Vicente Silva and his Forty Thieves: The Vice Criminals of the 80's and 90's

Tom McGrath

Uncover the riveting tale of one of the most notorious criminal gangs of the late 19th century with Tom McGrath's Vicente Silva and his Forty Thieves: The Vice Criminals of the 80's and 90's. This gripping account delves into the dark underworld of Vicente Silva and his gang, offering a vivid...
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Death of a Legend: Jesse James
Death of a Legend: Jesse James

Will Henry

Dive into the thrilling and tumultuous life of one of America's most infamous outlaws with Will Henry's Death of a Legend: Jesse James. This gripping historical novel brings to life the dramatic story of Jesse James, a complex figure whose exploits have become the stuff of legend and folklore. Will...
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