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Cultivating Effective Interpersonal Skills: Enhancing Interpersonal Skills
Cultivating Effective Interpersonal Skills: Enhancing Interpersonal Skills

Willow R. Stone

Take your interpersonal skills to the next level with the invaluable insights from our book, "Cultivating Effective Interpersonal Skills: Enhancing Interpersonal Skills."Written with comprehensive clarity and structured systematically, this book presents a masterful exploration of interpersonal...
Don't Look Away: Strategies Against Bullying and Harassment
Don't Look Away: Strategies Against Bullying and Harassment

Luna Z. Rainstorm

Regain control of your work environment with this comprehensive manual on combating bullying and harassment - "Don't Look Away: Strategies Against Bullying and Harassment". Through this insightful literature, you will gain clarity on the depth and implications of workplace bullying and harassment,...
L'estime de soi chez l'enfant et l'adolescent
L'estime de soi chez l'enfant et l'adolescent

Nathalie Vancraeynest-De Lathouwer

Tous les parents du monde souhaitent voir leurs enfants  épanouis, en confiance et ayant une bonne estime d'eux-mêmes. Mais les défis et les questionnements pour y parvenir sont nombreux. Comment faire face aux difficultés rencontrées ? Quels gestes éducatifs adopter pour que nos enfants...
Dracula's Confession: How Vampires Conquered Death
Dracula's Confession: How Vampires Conquered Death

Jack Henson

It's not often that Dracula confesses. Don't miss this opportunity to understand him. The Fraternity forbade Dracula from telling the blood donors ("normals") the truth, but he defied them. He hates anyone trying to control him. Dracula, like all vampires, is a malignant narcissist. That's...
Base Reality: Ultimate Existence
Base Reality: Ultimate Existence

Thomas Stark

Step inside and explore the true nature of base reality, of ultimate existence. It will blow your mind ... because it is your mind!
Malaria: A Comprehensive Guide to Symptoms, Self-Care, Diet Plans, Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies
Malaria: A Comprehensive Guide to Symptoms, Self-Care, Diet Plans, Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies

Vineeta Prasad

Are you or someone you know struggling with the symptoms of malaria? Are you interested in exploring natural remedies to manage your symptoms and improve your overall health and well-being? If so, "Malaria: A Comprehensive Guide to Symptoms, Self-Care, Diet Plans, Herbal and Homeopathic...
God Is Mathematics: The Proofs of the Eternal Existence of Mathematics
God Is Mathematics: The Proofs of the Eternal Existence of Mathematics

Thomas Stark

What's the most radical idea possible, the one least likely to be understood by humanity, the one so far beyond humanity's level of intelligence that whoever champions it is likely to be regarded as insane? Go on, if you're smart you ought to be conceive of a connection so unobvious, so invisible...
Extra Scientiam Nulla Salus: How Science Undermines Reason
Extra Scientiam Nulla Salus: How Science Undermines Reason

Thomas Stark

Blaise Pascal wrote, "Men are so necessarily mad, that not to be mad would amount to another form of madness." Curing humanity of its madness is the biggest challenge there is. The only remedy is to subject everyone from the day they are born to an educational regime of reason, logic, clear...
Hypersensibilité, l'apprivoiser pour ne plus subir vos tsunamis émotionnels
Hypersensibilité, l'apprivoiser pour ne plus subir vos tsunamis émotionnels

Valerie Marie

Vous vous sentez différent.e. Vous vous posez toujours mille questions et ressentez trop d'émotions. Vous avez un cté passionné et vibrant. Parfois même, vous pensez être dépressive ou bipolaire. Vous vous culpabilisez de ne pas pouvoir contrler votre nature débordante.Alors, vous...

Gigi Georges

In Downeast, Gigi Georges follows five girls as they come of age in one of the most challenging and geographically isolated regions on the Eastern seaboard. Their stories reveal surprising truths about rural America and offer hope for its future. "It's almost impossible not to care...