Technology Happenings at YCL

York County Library

December, 21 2024 21:31:44

  1. Each library location offers a different program each month so be sure to check the calendar on our main webpage for dates and times.

  2. Technology Tutoring

    York County Library provides one-on-one tutoring by library staff on computer use, the Internet, Microsoft Office, resume and career resources, and more. To sign up for a tutoring session, see registration information below.

    Clover Library - call 803-222-3474

    Fort Mill Library - call 803-547-4114

    Lake Wylie Library - call 803-831-7774

    Main Library (Rock Hill) - register online or call 803-981-5825

    York Library - call 803-684-3751

  3. Suggested Websites

  4. YCL Technology Services

  5. Latest Technology Books Available

  6. For a full listing of classes being offered throughout the York County Library, visit our website at or call 803-981-5845.