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  New Titles - Psychology & Philosophy
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Gaslighted by God: Reconstructing a Disillusioned Faith

Tiffany Yecke Brooks - ‎Eerdmans
Format: Hardcover

"We have a right to encounter God where we are. We have a sacred responsibility to experience God authentically." What happens when the God we've been taught to believe in seems powerless to help us in the struggles of life? What do we do when the God we personally encounter...
Duped: Why Innocent People Confess – and Why We Believe Their Confessions

Saul Kassin Ph.D - ‎Prometheus
Format: Hardcover

Why do people confess to crimes they did not commit? And, surely, those cases must be rare? In fact, it happens all the time - in police stations, workplaces, public schools, and the military. Psychologist Saul Kassin, the world's leading expert on false confessions, explains how interrogators...
The Secrets of Words

Noam Chomsky - The MIT Press
Format: Hardcover

Two distinguished linguists on language, the history of science, misplaced euphoria, surprising facts, and potentially permanent mysteries.In The Secrets of Words, influential linguist Noam Chomsky and his longtime colleague Andrea Moro have a wide-ranging conversation, touching on such...
Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism

Barry M. Prizant Ph.D. - Simon & Schuster
Format: Paperback‏

In Emergency, Break Glass: What Nietzsche Can Teach Us About Joyful Living in a Tech-Saturated World

Nate Anderson - W. W. Norton & Company
Format: Hardcover

An Ars Technica Holiday Reading Title of 2021 A lively and approachable meditation on how we can transform our digital lives if we let a little Nietzsche in.Who has not found themselves scrolling endlessly on screens and wondered: Am I living or distracting myself from living? In Emergency,...
Good Enough: 40ish Devotionals for a Life of Imperfection

Kate Bowler - ‎Convergent Books
Format: Hardcover

A compassionate, intelligent, and wry series of Christian daily reflections on learning to live with imperfection in a culture of self-help that promotes endless progress, from the New York Times bestselling author of Everything Happens for a Reason and the executive producer of the Everything...
Dedicated: The Case for Commitment in an Age of Infinite Browsing

Pete Davis - Avid Reader Press / Simon & Schuster
Format: Hardcover

Most of us have had this experience: browsing through countless options on Netflix, unable to commit to watching any given movie - and losing so much time skimming reviews and considering trailers that it's too late to watch anything at all. In a book borne of an idea first articulated...
Uncommon Measure: A Journey Through Music, Performance, and the Science of Time

Natalie Hodges - Bellevue Literary Press
Format: Paperback

A virtuosic debut from a gifted violinist searching for a new mode of artistic becomingHow does time shape consciousness and consciousness, time? Do we live in time, or does time live in us? And how does music, with its patterns of rhythm and harmony, inform our experience of time?Uncommon...
How to Think Like a Philosopher

Daniel Smith - ‎Michael O'Mara
Format: Paperback

Introducing you to some of the great themes of philosophical thought and the ideas of the individuals who have shaped them.
Why We Fight: The Roots of War and the Paths to Peace

Christopher Blattman - ‎Viking
Format: Hardcover

A seasoned peacebuilder and acclaimed expert on violence explains the five reasons why conflict (rarely) blooms into war and how to interrupt that deadly processIt's easy to overlook the underlying strategic forces of war, to see it solely as a series of errors, accidents, and emotions...