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Josie -K

Que le titre de cet ouvrage ne vous choque point. Ce recueil de 33 poèmes dans son essence, transcende les frontières religieuses et spirituelles diverses, pour offrir une expérience poétique universelle. …….. Cette poussière, cette pierre tombale, la fin. La fin ? Ces cierges,...
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The Secret Beautiful
The Secret Beautiful

Ximena Escobar

In this captivating collection, Ximena takes us on a journey filled with vivid imagery and powerful prose that captivates the senses. Her words breathe life into emotions as vast as the ocean, weaving a tapestry of passion, love, discovery, and grief. All delicately entwined within her heartfelt...
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True Stories
True Stories

Caroliena Cabada

Inspired by various disasters, from climate change to the pandemic, the poems of True Stories whirl together extreme weather, isolation, and interpersonal dysfunction into a gathering storm of a book. The first poem, "100-Year Storm" foregrounds cyclical themes, asking readers to consider-again...
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Henry at Work
Henry at Work

John Kaag

John Kaag is the Donohue Professor of Ethics and the Arts at UMass Lowell and External Professor at the Santa Fe Institute. His books include Hiking with Nietzsche: On Becoming Who You Are and Sick Souls, Healthy Minds: How William James Can Save Your Life (Princeton). Jonathan van Belle...
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