Limited to: Words in the TITLE ""Just Like a Mama""
Author Duncan, Alice Faye.
Title Just like a mama / written by Alice Faye Duncan ; illustrated by Charnelle Pinkney Barlow.
Publisher New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, [2020]
Edition First edition.
book jacket


 Nixa Children's Picture Book  DUNCAN, ALICE FAYE    DUE 04-03-25
 Ozark Children's Picture Book  DUNCAN, ALICE FAYE    CHECK SHELF
Descript 1 volume (unpaged) : chiefly color illustrations ; 28 cm
Subject Foster parents -- Juvenile fiction.
Foster children -- Juvenile fiction.
Mothers and daughters -- Juvenile fiction.
Parenting -- Juvenile fiction.
Parent and child -- Juvenile fiction.
Families -- Juvenile fiction.
Note "A Denene Millner Book."
Audience Ages 4-8.
Grades K-1.
Summary Carol Olivia Clementine wishes her parents did not live so far away, but Mama Rose provides a home, loves her, and cares for her just like a mother would.
Alt Author Pinkney Barlow, Charnelle.
ISBN 9781534461833
