Lovely art for an important and lyrically told story. But nothing about the history or tradition of hijab, or an explanation of the grammar. (The scarf is not, itself, hijab, but the act of wearing it is, or something like that.) Nothing about the controversy of the inferior status of hidden Muslim women, either; plenty of women wearing full scarves and gowns are raped and murdered by Muslim men all the time, and all the strength one bears will not prevent that. Still, I highly recommend it to anyone who reads picture books, whether classrooms, families, children alone, or adults alone.
(read less)Lovely art for an important and lyrically told story. But nothing about the history or tradition of hijab, or an explanation of the grammar. (The scarf is not, itself, hijab, but the act of wearing it is, or something like that.) Nothing about the controversy of the inferior status of hidden Muslim women, either; plenty of women wearing full scarves and gowns are raped and murdered by
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