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"From renowned cardiac surgeon Steven R. Gundry, MD, a revolutionary look at the hidden compounds in "healthy" foods like fruit, vegetables, and whole grains that are causing us to gain weight and develop chronic disease. In the deadly game of predator versus prey, an adult gazelle can outrun a hungry lioness, a sparrow can take flight when stalked by a cat, and a skunk can let loose a spray of noxious liquid to temporarily blind a fox. The stakes aren't always rigged against the prey. But when the prey is a plant, the poor thing is helpless, right? Wrong. Plants actually have an impressive array of defense tactics to protect themselves from predators of all shapes and sizes--including humans. Dr. Stephen Gundry explains that these defense strategies make the seemingly virtuous plants that we consume every day--fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds--far less "good for us" than we assume. Plants may use physical deterrents (think : the spine-tipped leaves of an artichoke or the ha
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In The Plant Paradox, cardiac surgeon Dr. Steven Gundry introduced readers to the hidden toxins lurking in seemingly healthy foods like tomatoes, zucchini, quinoa, and brown rice: a class of plant-based proteins called lectins. Many people are familiar with one of the most predominant lectins: gluten, which is found in wheat and other grains. But while cutting out the bread and going gluten-free is relatively straightforward, going lectin-free is no small task. Now, in this companion cookbook, Dr. Gundry breaks down lectin-free eating step by step and shares one hundred of his favorite healthy recipes. Dr. Gundry shows readers how to overhaul their pantries and shopping lists to make delicious, simple, seasonal, lectin-free meals.
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In Dr. Steven Gundry's breakout bestseller listeners learned the surprising truth about foods that have long been regarded as healthy. Lectins, a type of protein found in fruits, vegetables, legumes, dairy, and grains, wreak havoc on the gut, creating systemic inflammation and laying the groundwork for disease and weight gain. Avoiding lectins offers incredible health benefits but requires a significant lifestyle change, one that, for many people, can feel overwhelming. Dr. Gundry makes it simpler than ever to go lectin free. His 30-day challenge offers incentives, support, and results along with a toolkit for success.
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