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Reichs, Brendan author.
As the Anvil, an enormous asteroid, threatens to end all life on Earth, sixteen-year-old Min begins to uncover a lifetime of lies, a sinister conspiracy involving all students in her sophomore class in Fire Lake, Idaho.
2017 2016
Nemesis / Reichs, Brendan author.
Reichs, Brendan author.
"Fire Lake's sophomore class must work together or die alone in a new era of planet Earth inhabited by otherworldly dangers and challenges"-- The 64 members of Fire Lake, Idaho's sophomore class have managed to survive the first two phases of the Program-- and each other. They alone have emerged into the dawn of a new era on Earth, into a Fire Lake valley that's full of otherworldly dangers and challenges. Staying alive in this broken world should force Min, Noah, Tack, and the others to form new alliances-- but old feuds die hard, and the brutality of the earlier Program phases cannot be forgotten. When they discover that they may not be alone on the planet after all, they'll have to decide if they're going to work together... or die together. -- adapted from jacket
Chrysalis / Reichs, Brendan author.
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