Childhood Favorites

Tyler Public Library

December, 01 2024 08:39:21

  1. All books on this list were added based on comments on a Facebook post asking the community about their childhood favorites.

  2. Lovelace, Maud Hart -  Betsy-Tacy (64400964)
  3. Kjelgaard, Jim -  Big Red (823400077)
  4. Tolkien, J. R. R. -  The Hobbit (9780345445605)
  5. Terhune, Albert Payson -  Lad (9780783883205)
  6. Burnett, Frances Hodgson -  A Little Princess (9780141341712)
  7. Alcott, Louisa May -  Little Women (192720015)
  8. Atwater, Florence Richard -  Mr. Popper's Penguins (440459346)
  9. Dixon, Franklin W. -  The Tower Treasure (448089017)
  10. L'engle, Madeleine -  A Wrinkle in Time (374386137)