Native Americans: History, Culture, Conflict
El Dorado County Library
March, 11 2025 17:08:56
Burrill, Richard -
River of Sorrows
James, Cheewa -
Catch the Whisper of the Wind
Hammerschlag, Carl A -
The Dancing Healers
Cohen, Ken -
Honoring the Medicine
Swann, Brian -
Wearing the Morning Star
Wyatt, Gary -
Spirit Faces
Nabokov, Peter -
Native American Architecture
Jacka, Lois Essary -
Navajo Jewelry
Barbeau, Marius -
Art of the Totem
Trimble, Stephen -
Talking With the Clay
Heth, Charlotte -
Native American Dance
Divina, Fernando -
Foods of the Americas
Kavasch, E Barrie -
Enduring Harvests
Page, Jake -
The Mythology of Native North America
Miller, Dorcas S -
Stars of the First People
Gabriel, Kathryn -
Gambler way
Knudtson, Peter -
Wisdom of the Elders
Mann, Charles C. -
Warhus, Mark -
Another America
Bettelyoun, Susan Bordeaux -
With my own eyes
Mcclain, Sally -
Navajo Weapon
Smith, Paul Chaat -
Like a Hurricane
Brown, Dee -
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
Rozema, Vicki -
Voices from the Trail of Tears
Pijoan, Teresa -
Healers on the Mountain