Realm of the Ring Lords
Laurence Gardner Format: Book
The magical history of the Ring Lords, alluded to in J.R.R. Tolkein's The Lord of the Rings, has been largely consigned to legend and half-remembered battles between good and evil. Shrouded in supernatural enigma, its legacy lives on in fascinating tales of fairies, elves, witche |
Myths and Folk Tales of Ireland
Jeremiah Curtin Format: Book
Twenty folk tales representing hundreds of years of the collective Irish imagination transport readers to a world where everything is alive and anything can happen! Vivid descriptions of battles with giants, dead men who come back to life, humans imprisoned in animals' bodies, her |
A Treasury of Irish Myth, Legend & Folklore
Claire Booss Format: Book
Introduce yourself to the noble heroes and magical creatures of Irish mythology. Includes the two definitive works on the subject by the giants of the Irish Renaissance. W.B. Yeates' Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry and Lady Gregory's Cuchulain of Muirthemn |
Beryl Beare Format: Book
You may be unprepared for some of the surprises revealed in these English myths and legends. Murder, mystery and monsters will send shivers down your spine. The antics of fairies and boggarts will make you chuckle. Heroes and heretics are seen in a new light. Kings from history r |
Polish Customs, Traditions, and Folklore
Sophie Hodorowicz Knab Format: Print book
A month-by-month accounting of all the major Polish customs and traditions practiced over the centuries. A tremendous asset to understanding the ethnic behavior of a people. It has a new appendix with traditional Polish games and pastimes for children. |
Gods and Myths of the Viking Age
Hilda Roderick Ellis Davidson Format: Book
Excerpt from book: The mythology of a people is far more than a collection of pretty or terrifying fables...We can learn much from the mythologies of earlier peoples if we have the humility to respect ways of thought widely differing from our own. In certain respects we may be far |
The Great Cat Massacre and Other Episodes in French Cultural History
Robert Darnton Format: Book
When the apprentices of a Paris printing shop in the 1730s held a series of mock trials and then hanged all the cats they could lay their hands on, why did they find it so hilariously funny that they choked with laughter when they reenacted it in pantomime some twenty times? Why i |
Gods and Myths of the Viking Age
Hilda Roderick Ellis Davidson Format: Book
Excerpt from book: The mythology of a people is far more than a collection of pretty or terrifying fables...We can learn much from the mythologies of earlier peoples if we have the humility to respect ways of thought widely differing from our own. In certain respects we may be far |
Beryl Beare Format: Book
A collection of Welsh folktales, accompanied by vivid photographs of the Welsh landscape. |
Legends of Valor
Brendan Lehane Format: Book
An illustrated retelling of the exploits of such famous legendary heroes as Cuchulain, Finn Mac Cumal, Sigurd, and the knights of King Arthur's Round Table. |
A Field Guide to the Little People
Nancy Arrowsmith Format: Book
296 pages; Retired from children's library, usual and customary markings, clean and crisp. Dustjacket presented in new high grade mylar. This is a rather special guide, it is for dreamers with wide-open eyes and it deals with that aspect of reality which most dreamers can see clea |
Best-Loved Folktales of the World (The Anchor folktale library)
Joanna Cole - Anchor Format: Paperback
A collection of over 200 folk and fairy tales from all over the world, this is the only edition that encompasses all cultures. Arranged geographically by region, this book also includes category index groups that list the stories by plot and character. |
Favorite Folktales From Around the World
Jane Yolen Format: Hardcover
Here between two covers you will find an inexhaustible source of delight for children and adults alike: the world's best folktales, chosen by the internationally known storyteller Jane Yolen. Over 150 tales are compiled from Iceland to Syria, Cuba to Papua.Part of the P |
Folklore of World Holidays
Margaret Read MacDonald - Gale Group; 1st edition Format: Hardcover
This compilation explains the folklore surrounding 340 holidays in over 150 countries, excluding the United States. The contents section lists holidays in chronological order, and countries are arranged below each holiday. A four-page section entitled "Permissions" serves as a bibliography.... |
The legend of Sigurd and Gudrn
J R R Tolkien - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Format: Print book
Tolkien's version of the great legend of Northern antiquity. In the first part, we follow the adventures of Sigurd, the slayer of Fafnir, and his betrothal to the Valkyrie Brynhild. In the second, the tragedy mounts to its end in the murder of Sigurd at the hands of his blood-brothers,... |
The Complete Grimm's Fairy Tales
Brothers Grimm - Pantheon; Reissue edition Format: Paperback
For almost two centuries, the stories of magic and myth gathered by the Brothers Grimm have been part of the way children—and adults—learn about the vagaries of the real world. Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow-White, Hänsel and Gretel, Little Red-Cap (a.k.a. Little Red Riding... |