The adventure begins when Professor Aronnax accidentally becomes a prisoner of the very monster he is seeking to destroy -- the submarine Nautilus, commanded by the mysterious Captain Nemo. Invited to experience the marvels of the Nautilus' magnificent undersea world, Arronnax struggles...
A new series of classic literature for today's visual generation. In our electronic age, children are more likely to dial up a website than curl up with a book. But in DK Classics, expert abridgments and retellings are matched with brilliant illustrations to create books which will capture...
After discovering the double identity of the wealthy Transylvanian nobleman, Count Dracula, a small group of people vow to rid the world of the evil vampire. Illustrated notes throughout the text explain the historical background of the story.
Recreations of two of the world's most unforgettable and enthralling adventure stories: one about storm and shipwreck, pirates and mutiny, the other a tale of a fantastical underwater world of mythical monsters and a mysterious sea captain. The action-packed storylines retain all the impact...