Future Shock: Dystopian Fiction for Teens

Upper St. Clair Township Library

May, 01 2024 22:47:00

  1. Anderson, M.t. -  Feed (763617261)
  2. Aveyard, Victoria -  Red Queen (9780062310637)
  3. Bacigalupi, Paolo -  Ship Breaker (9780316056199)
  4. Bloor, Edward -  Taken (375836365)
  5. Buckley, Michael -  Undertow (9780544348257)
  6. Cashore, Kristin -  Graceling (9780152063962)
  7. Charbonneau, Joelle -  The Testing (9780547959108)
  8. Fisher, Catherine -  Incarceron (9780803733961)
  9. Grant, Michael -  Gone (9780061448782)
  10. Higson, Charlie -  The Enemy (9781484721469)
  11. Lowry, Lois -  Son (9780544336254)
  12. Meyer, Marissa -  Renegades (1250044669)
  13. Meyer, Marissa -  Cinder (9780312641894)
  14. Mulligan, Andy -  Trash (9780385752145)
  15. O'brien, Caragh M. -  Birthmarked (9781596435698)
  16. Oliver, Lauren -  Delirium (9780062112439)
  17. Oliver, Lauren -  Replica (9780062394163)
  18. Shusterman, Neal -  Scythe (9781442472426)
  19. Shusterman, Neal -  Unwind (9781416912057)
  20. Simmons, Kristen -  Article 5 (9780765329585)
  21. Smith, Alexander Gordon -  Lockdown (9780374324919)
  22. Westerfeld, Scott -  Uglies (9781442419810)