MENSA Booklist for High Schoolers

Dripping Springs Community Library

September, 21 2024 04:41:08

  1. Lewis, Sinclair -  Babbitt (9780486431673)
  2. Fitzgerald, F. Scott -  The Great Gatsby (9780743273565)
  3. Shakespeare, William -  Hamlet (9780743477123)
  4. Brontèˆ, Charlotte -  Jane Eyre (9781593081638)
  5. Shakespeare, William -  King Lear (9780743482769)
  6. Collins, Wilkie -  The moonstone (870304732)
  7. Wiesel, Elie -  Night (9780374500016)
  8. Maugham, W. Somerset -  Of Human Bondage (9781620111420)
  9. Wilder, Thornton -  Our Town (9780060512637)
  10. Shaw, George Bernard -  Pygmalion (1503290905)
  11. Stowe, Harriet Beecher -  Uncle Tom's Cabin (9781593081812)
  12. Bronte, Charlotte -  Villette (9780307455567)
  13. Thoreau, Henry David -  Walden (9780691014647)
  14. Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich -  The Cherry Orchard (449866125)