Dystopian Books for Teens

South Plainfield Public Library

December, 22 2024 09:50:55

  1. Standalone

  2. Arc of a Scythe Trilogy

  3. Shusterman, Neal -  Scythe (9781442472426)
  4. Shusterman, Neal -  Thunderhead (9781442472457)
  5. Shusterman, Neal -  The Toll (9781481497060)
  6. Chaos Walking Trilogy

  7. Delirium Trilogy

  8. Oliver, Lauren -  Delirium (9780061726828)
  9. Oliver, Lauren -  Requiem (9780062014535)
  10. Divergent Trilogy

  11. Companion Book

  12. Roth, Veronica -  Four (9780062345219)
  13. The Hunger Games Trilogy

  14. Collins, Suzanne -  Mockingjay (9780439023511)
  15. Prequel

  16. Legend Series

  17. Matched Trilogy

  18. The Maze Runner Series

  19. Prequels

  20. Red Queen Series

  21. Aveyard, Victoria -  Red Queen (9780062310637)
  22. Aveyard, Victoria -  Glass Sword (9780062310668)
  23. Aveyard, Victoria -  King's Cage (9780062661913)
  24. Aveyard, Victoria -  War Storm (9780062422996)
  25. Companion Books

  26. Aveyard, Victoria -  Cruel Crown (9780062435347)
  27. The Selection Series

  28. Companion Books

  29. Uglies Series

  30. Westerfeld, Scott -  Uglies (9781416936381)
  31. Westerfeld, Scott -  Pretties (9781442419803)
  32. Westerfeld, Scott -  Specials (9780689865404)
  33. Westerfeld, Scott -  Extras (9781442419780)
  34. Impostors

  35. Westerfeld, Scott -  Impostors (9781338151510)
  36. Westerfeld, Scott -  Shatter City (9781338150414)