Chickens - Picture Books
Marshall-Lyon County Library
December, 27 2024 14:25:16
Picture books featuring eggs, chicks, chickens, and roosters!
Stein, David Ezra -
Interrupting Chicken
Seeger, Laura Vaccaro -
First the Egg
Graves, Keith -
Chicken Big
Maclachlan, Patricia -
Chicken Talk
Schaefer, Carole Lexa -
Chicken Talk Around the World
Asher, Sandy -
Chicken Story Time
Bogart, Jo Ellen -
Count Your Chickens
Thomas, Jan -
The Chicken Who Couldn't
Davis, Aubrey -
A Hen for Izzy Pippik
Jadoul, Emile -
Good Night, Chickie
Idle, Molly Schaar -
Flora and the chicks
Berry, Cate -
Chicken Break!