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"I Thought I Heard A Cardinal Sing" - Ohio's Appalachian Voices is an anthology focused on the unique culture of Ohio's Appalachian population. A one-of-a-kind collection, sponsored by the Academy of American Poets and Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Editor Kari Gunter-Seymour writes: "Within these pages you will find a lavish mix of voices-Affrilachian, Indigenous, non-binary and LGBTQ; from teens to those creatively aging; poets in recovery, some with disabilities or developmental differences; emerging and well established; some living in the state, others from assorted locations throughout the country-all with a deep connection to Appalachian Ohio. The work speaks honestly and proudly as it represents Ohio's Appalachian population, providing examples of honor, endurance, courage, history, love of family, the land; and provides evidence of how even against the odds our people continue to thrive, to work hard to build awareness and overcome mainstream America's negative response to those with a strong Appalachian heritage.

About the Author

Kari Gunter-Seymour

In a time of inflated posturing and relentless self-promotion, Kari Gunter-Seymour's poems offer a refuge. The work is firmly and unapologetically attached to her home soil, and is an examination of the long-lasting effects of stereotype and false narratives surrounding native Appalachians. More than merely commenting, her work dares to search for meaning.Her current collection, "A Place So Deep Inside America It Can't Be Seen," is available from Sheila-Na_Gig Editions and can be purchased HERE.Gunter-Seymour is a ninth generation Appalachian and editor the Women of Appalachia Project™ anthologies, "Women Speak," volumes 1-5 and "Essentially Athens Ohio," an anthology focused on landmarks, tales and experiences of those living in or deeply connected to Athens county. She holds a B.F.A. in graphic design and an M.A. in commercial photography and is a retired instructor in the E.W. Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University. A poem she wrote in support of families living in poverty in Athens County, OH, went viral and has been seen by over 100,000 people, resulting in thousands of dollars donated to her local food pantry. She is the Poet Laureate of Ohio.Her poetry appears in several publications including, Crab Orchard Review, Main Street Rag, Stirring, Still, CALYX and The LA Times. Her chapbook "Serving" is available from Crisis Chronicles Press. She has been nominated six times for a Pushcart Prize.Her award winning photography has been published nationally in The Sun Magazine, Light Journal, Looking at Appalachia, Storm Cellar Quarterly, Anthology of Appalachian Writers, Vine Leaves Journal and Appalachian Heritage Magazine.Kari is the founder/executive director of the "Women of Appalachia Project," an arts organization she created to address discrimination directed at women from the Appalachian region by encouraging participation from women artists (spoken word and fine art ) of diverse backgrounds, ages and experiences to come together, embrace the stereotype, show the whole woman; beyond the superficial factors people use to judge her. (www.womenofappalachia.com) .

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