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An exuberant, hilarious memoir about a woman who pauses her successful career for a year and explores the "What If" jobs of her dreams.On the cusp of turning forty, Alisha Fernandez Miranda has climbed to the peak of personal and professional success, but at a price; she's overworked and exhausted.Bravely, Alisha decides to give herself a break, temporarily pausing her stressful career as the CEO of high-powered consulting firm. With the tentative blessing of her husband and eight-year-old twins, she leaves her home in London to spend one year exploring the dream jobs of her youth, seeking answers to the question, "What If?"What follows is a spirited and hilarious journey for Alisha - and the reader. Contending with her lack of experience (and the onset of a global pandemic) , Alisha gofers for two high-profile Broadway productions (and nearly tramples Stephen Sondheim) , attempts to master a fitness regimen called Voga (a cross between yoga and "voguing") , feigns confidence while handling multi-million-dollar artwork at Christie's, and literally sets her shirt on fire while serving rack of lamb in a posh hotel on Scotland's remote Isle of Skye.

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