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Neil Gaiman nos presenta una coleccion de veinticinco relatos y poemas que puede entenderse como una suma de esencias o festin creativo de uno de los escritores de imaginacion mas fertil e inquietante de la actualidad. Un menu degustacion que concentra todo el potencial fantasioso y onirico de Gaiman: historias de terror y de fantasmas, ficcion especulativa y cuentos de hadas, fabulas perversas y versos sorprendentes. / Neil Gaiman presents us with a collection of twenty-five stories and poems, a creative feast from one of todays writers with the most fertile and disturbing imagination. A tasting menu that exhibits Gaimans entire potential: ghost stories, speculative fiction, fairy tales, and wicked fables.

About the Author

Neil Gaiman

I make things up and write them down. Which takes us from comics (like SANDMAN) to novels (like ANANSI BOYS and AMERICAN GODS) to short stories (some are collected in SMOKE AND MIRRORS) and to occasionally movies (like Dave McKean's MIRRORMASK or the NEVERWHERE TV series, or my own short film A SHORT FILM ABOUT JOHN BOLTON) .

In my spare time I read and sleep and eat and try to keep the blog at www.neilgaiman.com more or less up to date.

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