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Los cinco elementos es un concepto que surgio a partir de la antigua medicina china, hace mas de dos mil anos, cuando los eruditos del pais asiatico alcanzaron la conclusion de que el universo estaba compuesto por cinco fuerzas: agua, madera, fuego, tierra y metal. Entender estos elementos y como se relacionan entre si nos ayuda a mantener el equilibrio fisico, mental, espiritual y emocional. A partir de las propiedades de estas cinco potencias, Dahlin nos ayuda a conocernos mejor y a crear relaciones duraderas con los demas. Muchas personas estan interesadas en conocerse mejor, algo que pone de manifiesto la popularidad de los tests de personalidad de Internet y de las revistas. Queremos saber quienes somos, por que reaccionamos de una forma y no de otra ante diferentes situaciones, por que nos relacionamos de determinada manera con los demas En Los cinco elementos, Dondi Dahlin trata de desbrozar el camino que nos conducira a estas respuestas, abriendo ante nosotros un sendero hacia el autoconocimiento.
About the Author
Dondi Dahlin
Dondi Dahlin Bio
Dondi Dahlin grew up in the world of Energy Medicine. She co-authored The Little Book of Energy Medicine with her mom Donna Eden, and her book The Five Elements was released by Tarcher in 2016. www.LearnTheFiveElements.com
Dondi is the creator of "The Wednesday Energy Minutes" which are 60-second clips based on Energy Medicine techniques and filmed at locations across the globe. Dondi travels with her Mom, spreading Eden Energy Medicine and the Five Elements through international workshops, and she is a sought-after speaker and MC for conventions and conferences.
Along with Energy Medicine, Dondi also grew up in the world of show business. She is a member of the Screen Actors Guild, and won the titles of both "Belly Dancer of the Universe" and "Outstanding Speaker in the Nation." She has been seen in over 100 commercials, performed in over 30 countries, and is one of the few American dancers to have had a successful career in the Middle East.
Dondi's home-base is California where she homeschools her son and lives in a 1904 house, which she fought for two years to get historically designated by the city of San Diego.
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