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La novela ms famosa de ciencia ficcin moderna: un clsico indiscutible, ganadora de los premios Hugo, Nebula y SF Chronicle.La Tierra se ve amenazada por una raza extraterrestre, los Insectores, que se comunican telepticamente y consideran no tener nada en comun con los humanos, a quienes pretenden destruir. Para vencerlos es necesario una nueva clase de genio militar, y por ello se ha permitido el nacimiento de Ender, lo que constituye, en cierta forma, una anomala, pues es el tercer hijo de una pareja en un mundo que ha limitado estrictamente a dos el numero de descendientes. El nio Ender deber aprender todo lo relativo a la guerra en los videojuegos y en los peligrosos ensayos de batallas espaciales que realiza con sus compaeros. A la habilidad en el tratamiento de las emociones, ya caracterstica de Orson Scott Card, se une en este libro el inters por el empleo de las simulaciones por ordenador y los juegos de fantasa en la formacin militar, estratgica y psicolgica del protagonista.

About the Author

Orson Scott Card

Orson Scott Card is the bestselling author best known for the classic Ender's Game, Ender's Shadow and other novels in the Ender universe. Most recently, he was awarded the 2008 Margaret A. Edwards Award for lifetime achievement in Young Adult literature, from the American Library Association. Card has written sixty-one books, assorted plays, comics, and essays and newspaper columns. His work has won multiple awards, including back-to-back wins of the Hugo and the Nebula Awards-the only author to have done so in consecutive years. His titles have also landed on 'best of' lists and been adopted by cities, universities and libraries for reading programs. The Ender novels have inspired a Marvel Comics series, a forthcoming video game from Chair Entertainment, and pre-production on a film version. A highly anticipated The Authorized Ender Companion, written by Jake Black, is also forthcoming.Card offers writing workshops from time to time and occasionally teaches writing and literature at universities.Orson Scott Card currently lives with his family in Greensboro, NC.

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