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Despus de El leopardo llega Fantasma.El nuevo thriller de Harry Hole.Premio Best Novel del festival de novela negra de Valencia 2016.HARRY HOLE AFRONTA UN NUEVO CASOCuando Harry Hole se march a vivir a Hong Kong crey que su vida cambiara para siempre: dejaba atrs su pasado en Oslo y su carrera como detective. Sin embargo, un acontecimiento del todo insospechado le hace regresar una vez ms a su ciudad natal: Oleg, el nio que ayud a criar y a quien tanto quiso, ha sido arrestado, acusado de asesinato.HARRY HOLE ENTRA EN EL LUMPEN DE OSLOHarry no cree que Oleg sea un asesino, as que decide volver a Oslo para tratar de encontrar al verdadero culpable. Sin embargo, hay muchas pruebas que sealan a Oleg como asesino... Harry Hole est fuera del cuerpo de polica, pero, en virtud de sus contactos de otros tiempos, se ver inmerso en el mundo ms lumpen de Oslo: peligrosas bandas de traficantes han puesto en circulacin una nueva droga de algo potencialmente mortfero que se est volviendo muy popular entre los consumidores.

About the Author

Jo Nesbo

Jo Nesbo is one of the world's bestselling crime writers, with The Leopard, Phantom, Police, The Son and his latest Harry Hole novel, The Thirst, all topping the Sunday Times bestseller charts. He's an international number one bestseller and his books are published in 50 languages, selling over 33 million copies around the world. Before becoming a crime writer, Nesbo played football for Norway's premier league team Molde, but his dream of playing professionally for Spurs was dashed when he tore ligaments in his knee at the age of eighteen. After three years military service he attended business school and formed the band Di derre ('Them There') . They topped the charts in Norway, but Nesbo continued working as a financial analyst, crunching numbers during the day and gigging at night. When commissioned by a publisher to write a memoir about life on the road with his band, he instead came up with the plot for his first Harry Hole crime novel, The Bat.Sign up to the Jo Nesbo newsletter for all the latest news: jonesbo.com/newsletter

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