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Del autor de El Crculo, una road novel que sigue la estela de En la carretera de Jack Kerouac, Hacia rutas Salvajes de Jon Krakauer y Canad de Richard Ford. Una novela que reflexiona sobre la prdida y la busqueda de nuevas oportunidades. Josie se siente cansada y disgustada con una vida que se encuentra a aos luz de la que alguna vez so. Tiene cuarenta aos, dos hijos y el apremiante anhelo de mandarlo todo a paseo. Separada de su marido y tras perder su consultorio dental, se siente culpable por la muerte de un joven paciente al que anim a ir a Afganistn. Harta del ritmo frentico de la gran ciudad, se deshace del mvil, renuncia a su tarjeta de crdito y alquila una destartalada caravana para viajar a Alaska junto a sus hijos de ocho y cinco aos, Paul y Ana, los otros dos hroes de esta historia. Sin avisar a nadie y sin fecha de regreso, deja atrs sus posesiones y sus errores para salir al encuentro del nuevo sueo americano: renacer en una tierra de luz y montaas. Las novelas de Eggers siempre tienen algo de advertencia, y si en la anterior, El Crculo, el autor se planteaba los peligros de las nuevas tecnologas, en Hroes de la frontera nos previene de las asfixiantes ataduras de las sociedades acomodadas y nos alienta a cambiar de rumbo y a cruzar la frontera que separa lo trivial de lo esencial.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONJosie and her children's father have split up, she's been sued by a former patient and lost her dental practice, and she's grieving the death of a young man senselessly killed shortly after enlisting. When her ex asks to take the children to meet his new fiance's family, Josie makes a run for it to Alaska with her kids, Paul and Ana. At first their trip feels like a vacation: they see bears and bison, they eat hot dogs cooked on a bonfire, and they spend nights parked along icy cold rivers in dark forests. But as they drive in their rattling old RV, pushed north by the ubiquitous wildfires, Josie is chased by enemies both real and imagined, and past mistakes pursue her tiny family, even to the very edge of civilization. A captivating, often hilarious novel of family, loss, wilderness, and the curse of a violent America, Heroes of the Frontier is a powerful examination of our contemporary life and a rousing story of adventure.

About the Author

Dave Eggers

Dave Eggers is the author of ten books, including most recently Your Fathers, Where Are They? And the Prophets, Do They Live Forever? , The Circle and A Hologram for the King, which was a finalist for the 2012 National Book Award. He is the founder of McSweeney's, an independent publishing company based in San Francisco that produces books, a quarterly journal of new writing (McSweeney's Quarterly Concern) , and a monthly magazine, The Believer. McSweeney's also publishes Voice of Witness, a nonprofit book series that uses oral history to illuminate human rights crises around the world. Eggers is the co-founder of 826 National, a network of eight tutoring centers around the country and ScholarMatch, a nonprofit organization that connects students with resources, schools and donors to make college possible.

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