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Lanueva novela delganador del Independent Foreign Fiction Prize.Una novelaque entre el humor negro y el drama abordalos lmites a los que puede llegar el ser humano.Suave en su voz y feroz en su impacto. - The IndependentLa sala se remeci del estruendo, pero no eran carcajadas felices sino funreas, y, sin embargo, compaginaban muy bien con la gran fiesta que se oa desde el jardn.Es abril de 1970 y la imponente casa de los Caicedo, ubicada en uno de los barrios ms distinguidos de Bogot, se prepara para celebrar el aniversario de boda de los patriarcas de la familia: Alma Santacruz y el magistrado Nacho Caicedo. El da y los festejos avanzan, al mismo tiempo que un desfile de variados personajes -que entran y salen del lugar- entrelazan sus historias y sellan sus destinos en la vida, el placer y la muerte.

About the Author

Evelio Rosero

Evelio Rosero Diago was born in Bogotá, Colombia, on March 20, 1958. He is a Colombian writer and journalist, who reached international acclaim after winning in 2006 the prestigious Tusquets Prize. Evelio Rosero studied primary school in Colombia's southern city of Pasto, and high school in Bogotá, where he later attended Universidad Externado de Colombia obtaining a degree in Journalism. When he was 21, he won Colombia's Premio Nacional de Cuento del Quindío 1979 (National Short Story Award of Quindío) , for his piece Ausentes (The Departed) that was published by Instituto Colombiano de Cultura in the book 17 Cuentos colombianos (17 Colombian Short Stories) . In 1982 he was awarded with the Premio Iberoamericano de Libro de Cuentos Netzahualcóyotl, in Mexico City for his earlier stories, and that same year, a novella under the title Papá es santo y sabio (Dad is holy and wise) won Spain's Premio Internacional de Novela Breve Valencia. After these early successess, Rosero fled to Europe and lived first in Paris and later in Barcelona. His first novel in 1984 was Mateo Solo (Mateo Alone) , which began his trilogy known as Primera Vez (First Time) . Mateo Solo is a story about a child confined in his own home. Mateo knows about the outside world for what he sees through the windows. It is a novel of dazzling confinement, where sight is the main character: his sister, his aunt, his nanny all play their own game while allowing Mateo to keep his hope for identity in plotting his own escape. With his second book in 1986, Juliana los mira (Juliana is watching) , Evelio Rosero was translated into Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and German to great acclaim. Once again, the visual experience of a child, this time a girl, builds the world of grownups and family, unveiling all the brutality and meanness of adults as seen with her ingenuousness. Juliana's world is her own house and family. As Juliana watches her parents and relatives, she builds them. Her sight alters objects as she contemplates them. This was the first book where Rosero involved other themes from Colombia's tragical reality such as kidnapping, presented here as a permanent threat that in the end justifies Juliana's own confinement. In 1988, El Incendiado (The Burning Man) was published. With this book, Rosero obtained a Proartes bachelor in Colombia and won in 1992 the II Premio Pedro Gómez Valderrama for the most outstanding book written between 1988 and 1992. The novel tells the stories of a group of teenagers from a famous school in Bogotá, Colegio Agustiniano Norte, denouncing the education taught by the priest headmasters as "fool, arcaic, troglodite and morbid".To date, he has written nine novels, beginning with Señor que no conoce luna in 1992 and Cuchilla in 2000 which won a Norma-Fundalectura prize. Plutón (Pluto) published also in 2000, Los almuerzos (The lunches) in 2001, Juega el amor in 2002 and Los Ejércitos, which won in 2006 the p

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