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En Polonia, mientras la Segunda Guerra Mundial avanza, una madre esconde junto con su joven hija, un prodigio musical cuyo sonido ms leve podra costarles sus vidas.Mientras soldados nazis persiguen a los judos de su pueblo, Rza y su hija de cinco aos, Shira, huyen, buscando refugio en el granero del vecino. Escondidas en el henar da y noche, Shira lucha para mantenerse tranquila y callada, pero la musica alrededor de la granja la llama constantemente. Para apaciguar a su hija, Rza le cuenta la historia de una nia en un jardn encantado.A la nia se le ha prohibido realizar cualquier tipo de sonido, as que el pjaro amarillo canta. Canta cualquier cosa que la nia compone en su cabeza: trinos agudos de flautn; gruidos de contrafagot de garganta baja.

About the Author

Jennifer Rosner

THE YELLOW BIRD SINGS is Jennifer Rosner's debut novel, translated and published around the world. It tells the story of a Jewish mother and her young daughter, a musical prodigy, in hiding during WWII. Jennifer's previously published memoir, IF A TREE FALLS, is about raising her deaf daughters in a hearing, speaking world, and discovering genetic deafness in her family dating back to the 1800s. Her short writings have appeared in The New York Times, The Massachusetts Review, The Forward, and elsewhere, and her children's book, THE MITTEN STRING, was named a Sydney Taylor Book Award Notable. In addition to writing, Jennifer teaches philosophy. She received her B.A. from Columbia University and her Ph.D. from Stanford University. Currently, she teaches the Clemente Course in the Humanities, a college-level course for women living in economic distress. She lives in western Massachusetts with her family.

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