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¿Qué harías si pudieras sacar provecho de tus fracasos? Brené Brown, la investigadora de emociones con la charla más viral de TEDTalk, ofrece en Más fuerte que nunca tres etapas para sobrellevar el fracaso en nuestras vidas: el reconocimiento, donde admitimos el error y nuestras emociones; el enfrentamiento, en la que confrontamos las historias e insultos que nos hacemos a nosotros mismos por fallar; y la revolución, parte final en la que podemos crear un nuevo desenlace a nuestra historia de fracaso. Este libro te enseñará a reutilizar la vulnerabilidad que experimentas al cometer errores, y a construir un futuro con menos temor a la equivocación en cualquier ámbito de tu vida.Brené Brown reivindica la vulnerabilidad como elemento indispensable para conocer la felicidad, la creatividad y la conexión con los demás.

About the Author

Brené Brown

Dr. Brené Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston, where she holds the Huffington Foundation Endowed Chair at the Graduate College of Social Work. Brené is also a visiting professor in management at the University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business.She has spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy; is the author of six #1 New York Times best sellers; and is the host of the weekly Spotify original podcasts Unlocking Us and Dare to Lead.Brené's books have been translated into more than 30 languages, and her titles include Atlas of the Heart, Dare to Lead, Braving the Wilderness, Rising Strong, Daring Greatly, and The Gifts of Imperfection. With Tarana Burke, she co-edited the best-selling anthology You Are Your Best Thing: Vulnerability, Shame Resilience, and the Black Experience.Her TED talk on the Power of Vulnerability is one of the top five most-viewed TED talks in the world, with over 50 million views. She is also the first researcher to have a filmed lecture on Netflix. The Call to Courage special debuted on the streaming service in April 2019.Brené lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband, Steve. They have two children, Ellen and Charlie.

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