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Poderosamente relevante e imposible de dejar de leer, Algo absolutamente extraordinario trata grandes temas de actualidad como las redes sociales, la radicalizacin de los discursos y la deshumanizacin que conlleva la fama. La vida de April May nunca volver a ser la misma. Volviendo a casa a las tres de la maana, April se encontr con una escultura gigante, sobre la que colg un vdeo. Ahora los Carls, las misteriosas estatuas que aparecen y desaparecen en el mundo entero, se han hecho virales, y April May con ellas.Ser esta su oportunidad para dejar huella en el mundo April pronto descubrir las consecuencias que toda esta atencin conlleva, y que el mundo haya depositado en ella la responsabilidad de averiguar qu son los Carls y, sobre todo# qu quieren de nosotros.

About the Author

Hank Green

Hank Green started making YouTube videos in 2007 with his brother, John. They thought it was a dumb idea, but it turned out well. He is now the CEO of Complexly, which produces SciShow, Crash Course and nearly a dozen other educational YouTube channels, prompting The Washington Post to name him "one of America's most popular science teachers." Green co-founded a number of other businesses, including DFTBA.com, which helps online creators make money by selling cool stuff to their communities; and VidCon, the world's largest conference for the online video community. Hank and John, also started the Project for Awesome, which raised more than two million dollars for charities last year. He has written for a variety of publications, including The New York Times, Scientific American, and Mental Floss Magazine prior to his first published novel, An Absolutely Remarkable Thing, due out on Sept 25, 2018.

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