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I Want A Kitten or a CatThe beginner's cat pet care book for young readers by pet writing duo Tristan Pulsifer and Jacquelyn Elnor Johnson, co-authors of the popular I Want A Pet series for readers age 8 to 12. A lively, practical and fun how-to for kids about how to give loving, responsible care to your new furry family pet!This is the book for kids to learn about how to give loving and responsible care to a new pet kitten or cat. If your child is asking for a pet kitten or a cat, but you aren't so sure they're ready for the responsibility, this is the book to give them or read together! It tells young readers everything they need to know about what it's like to have a cat in your family and what means to be a loving and responsible pet parent. Kittens and cats are easy to care for pets, affectionate and loyal, which is why they're one of the best and most popular pet animals for kids.

About the Author

Tristan Pulsifer

Eight-year-old Tristan Pulsifer did all the fun things kids do over summer vacation. He rode his bike, swam in the pool, went to movies with friends and played plenty of video games.He also did something few kids do: he wrote a book. In September 2016, he became one of the youngest authors with a book on Amazon.I Want A Leopard Gecko, co-written with Jacquelyn Elnor Johnson, is a 'first pet book' for kids. Tristan is a grade three student who loves gym class, reading and everything about having pets.Back in June, he and his co-author, "were just talking about summer vacation and I told her about Nico. Nico is the pet gecko at my school. Nico needed a place to go so our family looked after her this summer. That's what gave us the idea for a book about pets for kids. By a kid," Tristan says.I Want A Leopard Gecko is written on the Grade Four reading level. The book tells kids ages 8 to 12 the basics of getting and caring for a pet leopard gecko."Our book is about what it's really like to have a pet leopard gecko," Tristan explains. "This is if you really want one, or if you just got a leo for a pet."The photo above shows him with his own pet leopard gecko, Gizmo.Now that their first book is available, what's next for the book writing duo? "We've already started on our next book," the first-time author says. "It should be done next month."And what's it about? "I can't tell you just yet," Tristan says with a smile. "But it will be about a pet..."

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