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Winner of the 2020 Moritz Thomsen Experience Award for "the best depiction of life in the Peace Corps." Here is the link to the award announcement that appears in the 8/16/20 post on the Peace Corps Worldwide website.https://peacecorpsworldwide.org/peace-corps-writers-2020-moritz-thomsen-experience-award-eradicating-smallpox-in-ethiopia/"This book is an important addition to the historical record about the first human disease to be eradicated." Dr. D.A. Henderson, Director of the World Health Organization's Global Smallpox Eradication Program, 1966-77"This book serves up large dollops of nostalgia, humor, delightful tales of daring, and loads of information about fighting infectious diseases that - as it turns out in these times of the coronavirus - makes the book very contemporary.