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A revolutionary, evidence-based guide for developing resilience and grit to confront our whitewashed history and build a better future - in the vein of Think Again and Do Better.The racial fault lines of our country have been revealed in stark detail as our national news cycle is flooded with stories about the past. If you are just now learning about the massacre in Tulsa, the killing of Native American children in compulsory "residential schools" designed to destroy their culture, and the incarceration of Japanese Americans, you are not alone. The seeds of today's inequalities were sown in past events like these. The time to unlearn the whitewashed history we believed was true is now. If we close our eyes to our history, we cannot make the systemic changes needed to mend our country.

About the Author

Dolly Chugh

Dr. Dolly Chugh is a Harvard educated, award-winning social psychologist at the NYU Stern School of Business, where she is an expert researcher in the unconscious biases and unethical behavior of ordinary, good people. In her real life, she is trying just as hard as everyone else to be the person she means to be.

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