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The past comes back to haunt Captain Jean-Luc Picard in this brand new thriller set in the universe of Star Trek: The Next Generation.Section 31, the covert organization which has operated without accountability in the shadows for more than two centuries, has been exposed. Throughout the Federation, the rogue group's agents and leaders are being taken into custody as the sheer scope of its misdeeds comes to light. Now Starfleet Command must decide the consequences for numerous officers caught up in the scandal - including Admirals William Ross, Edward Jellico, Alynna Nechayev, and Captain Jean-Luc Picard who, along with many others, are implicated in the forced removal of a Federation president. Meanwhile, deep in the distant, unexplored region of space known as the Odyssean Pass, Picard and the crew of the Starship Enterprise must put aside personal feelings and political concerns as they investigate a massive mysterious spacecraft.

About the Author

Dayton Ward

If you're reading this, then chances are you've read one of my books or are considering doing so. Or, maybe you just clicked on a link by mistake while on your way to something more interesting.Doesn't matter. Welcome!So ... about me. Yeah ... well, you see, it's like this: Until recently, I was a software developer and analyst, having become a slave to Corporate America after spending eleven years in the U.S. Marine Corps. Why did I join the military? Pretty simple, really. I'd gotten tired of people telling me what to do all the time, and was looking for a change.Whoops.In truth, I joined for a handful of different reasons, from carrying on a family tradition to wanting a challenge unlike anything else I'd faced to that point to simpler stuff like just wanting to see the world. I'm proud of my time spent in uniform. I gave Uncle Sam eleven years, and he gave me a long list of skills and experiences that have continued to serve me to this day. I think I got the better end of that deal by a fairly wide margin.In September 2014, I said goodbye to my day job and embarked on a bold new journey as a full-time writer.Though I've written a bunch of short stories and novels on my own, I've written a lot more in collaboration with my friend and fellow author, Kevin Dilmore. What types of stories do I like to write? Pretty much the same kind I like to read: Engaging plots with interesting characters. Whether I actually succeed in crafting stories which meet those criteria is for you to decide.I write content for magazines and web sites as the opportunities arise. You'll find my stuff in Star Trek Magazine and on sites like Tor.com and StarTrek.com. I'm also a regular contributor to a "writer's blog" called "Novel Spaces," with an eye toward providing insight and advice on various writing topics. There are several contributors to the site, representing a broad spectrum of genres and writing backgrounds. Go give it a look; it's a nice place to hang out.Though I was born and raised in Tampa, Florida, fate and circumstances have seen to it that my family and I now call Kansas City home. My wife spends a great deal of time and effort as a volunteer K-9 handler and search & rescue tech, training along with one of our dogs in order to assist law enforcement when searching for missing persons. As you can imagine, there are a few story ideas to be gleaned from that.

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